Colocalization on Susie results from FinnGen fine-mapping pipeline. This repository hosted the code only.
- colocInfo1: coloc information for paired trait1, format: dataset name, dataset type, resource link
- colocInfo2: coloc information for paired trait2
- nColocPerBatch: number of coloc pairs distached to each VM node, default 1000
- excludeSameNameTrait: exclude the traits with the same name, default true
- h4pp_thresh: H4 PP threshold to merge the coloc results, default 0.5
- cs_log10bf_thresh1: log10bf threshold for credible set in finemapped cs1:cs1 pair, default 0.9
- cs_log10bf_thresh2: log10bf threshold for other pair, default 1.0
- docker: ** refinery: ** sandbox:
- pairs: Array of File, region matched for each dataset
- N: Array of Int, indicate number of pairs in region
- coloc: Array of File, coloc results for each pair
- hit: Array of File, coloc top signals in each pair
- colocQC: File, QC and merged coloc results from all dataset
# download the code
# be in the folder: cd
# move the wdl to the script folder
mv wdl script
cd script
./submit META.json Trait Type gs://YOUR_BUCKET_can_write/demo/test_project