Arch with BspWM and Hyprland
See how the system looks with Hyrland:
Hyprland is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
Operating System: Arch
Window Manager: Hyprland
Status Bar: Waybar-hyprland-git
Launcher: Wofi
Session Manager: Wlogout
Notifications: Mako
Terminal: Kitty (or Foot, make your choice)
File Manager: Thunar
Text Editor: Geany
Web Browser: Firefox
If you want to install this setup on ARCH Linux or on any other distro, follow the points below:
1. Install the following programs on your computer: hyprland, swaybg, swayidle, swaylock,
wlroots, wl-clipboard, waybar-hyprland-git, wofi, kitty (and/or foot), mako, grim, slurp,
wf-recorder, light, yad, thunar, geany, mpv, mpd, mpc, ncmpcpp, viewnior (or nomacs),
imagemagick, xfce-polkit (or polkit-gnome), xorg-xwayland.
2. After installing programs above,
3. Create hypr directory in ~/.config: mkdir -p ~/.config/hypr
4. Copy Everything from /hyprland/* to ~/.config/hypr : cp -r /hyprland/* ~/.config/hypr/
5. Reboot and login to your previously configured Hyprland WM.