Welcome to bulk_extractor version 1.5.6.
To build bulk_extractor in Linux or OS X,
Make sure required packages have been installed. ** You can do this by going into the etc/ directory and looking for a script that ** installs the necessary packages for your platform.
Then run these commands: ./configure make make install
For detailed instructions on installing packages and building bulk_extractor, read the wiki page here: https://github.com/simsong/bulk_extractor/wiki/Installing-bulk_extractor
To download the Windows installer and/or other releases of bulk_extractor, visit the downloads page here: http://digitalcorpora.org/downloads/bulk_extractor
For more information on bulk_extractor, visit: http://www.forensicswiki.org/wiki/Bulk_extractor
This release of bulk_extractor has been tested to compile on the following platforms:
- Amazon Linus as of 2019-11-09
- Ubuntu 16.04LTS
- Ubuntu 18.04LTS
To configure your operating system, please run the appropriate scripts in the etc/ directory.
If you are writing a scientific paper and using bulk_extractor, please cite it with:
- Garfinkel, Simson, Digital media triage with bulk data analysis and bulk_extractor. Computers and Security 32: 56-72 (2013) https://simson.net/clips/academic/2013.COSE.bulk_extractor.pdf