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Tutorial "Reproducible Research at the Cloud Era" initially given at IEEE CloudCom 2016


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By svarrette Licence GitHub issues Documentation Status Build Status

   Time-stamp: <Sat 2016-12-10 21:57 svarrette>

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Tutorial "Reproducible Research at the Cloud Era"

This repository hosts documents, material and information related to the tutorial "Reproducible Research at the Cloud Era" given during the IEEE CloudCom 2016 conference.

Installation / Repository Setup

This repository is hosted on Github.

  • To clone this repository, proceed as follows (adapt accordingly):

      $> mkdir -p ~/git/
      $> cd ~/git/
      $> git clone

/!\ IMPORTANT: Once cloned, initiate your local copy of the repository by running:

$> cd rr-tutorials
$> make setup

This will initiate the Git submodules of this repository and setup the git flow layout for this repository.

Later on, you can upgrade the Git submodules to the latest version by running:

$> make upgrade

If upon pulling the repository, you end in a state where another collaborator have upgraded the Git submodules for this repository, you'll end in a dirty state (as reported by modifications within the .submodules/ directory). In that case, just after the pull, you have to run the following to ensure consistency with regards the Git submodules:

$> make update

Tutorial Slides and Instructions

The latest version of the tutorial is available online:

As for the slides used during the "Reproducible Research at the Cloud Era" tutorial given during the IEEE CloudCom 2016 conference., you will find them in slides/2016/cloudcom2016

  • These slides are based on LaTeX Beamer
  • LaTeX Sources are located in slides/2016/cloudcom2016/src
  • LaTeX Sources compilation relies on the following tools:
    • GNU Make

    • A complete working LaTeX environment (including the pdflatex compiler).

      $> brew cask install mactex   # Mac OS with HomeBrew -- see
      $> apt-get install latex-beamer texlive-latex-extra   # Debian/Ubuntu
    • Pandoc, a universal document converter. Indeed, since producing LaTeX Beamer slides can be heavily time consuming, one way found to deeply accelerate the production of slides is to get rid of the LaTeX syntax in favor of markdown, an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format (files with .md extension). In this case, Pandoc is used to convert .md files into LaTeX Beamer .md.tex ones.

Issues / Feature request

You can submit bug / issues / feature request using the svarrette/rr-tutorials Project Tracker


This project is released under the terms of the GPL-3.0 licence.



That's quite simple:

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your own feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Resources / Links

Your primary source of information if you are interested to know more about Reproducible Research is the excellent Series of Webinars on Reproducible Research organized by Arnaud Legrand and his colleagues from CNRS, Inria, University of Grenoble, ENS etc.:

Actually, part of the material proposed on this repository comes from this source, and I would like to thank again Arnaud for allowing me to do it.

Other resources you might be interested to check:


Tutorial "Reproducible Research at the Cloud Era" initially given at IEEE CloudCom 2016







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