Toolkit for Nano cryptocurrency client side offline implementations allowing you to build web- and mobile applications using Nano without compromising the user's keys by sending them out of their own device.
The toolkit supports creating and importing wallets and signing blocks on-device. Meaning that the user's keys should never be required to leave the device.
- Generate wallets with a BIP32 mnemonic phrase
- BIP39/44 private key derivation
- Mnemonic is compatible with the Ledger Nano implementation
- Import wallets with a mnemonic phrase or a seed
- Sign send, receive and change blocks with a private key
- Runs in all web browsers and mobile frameworks built with Javascript
- Convert Nano units
npm install nanocurrency-web
WARNING: do not use any of the keys or addresses listed below to send real assets |
Wallet handling
import { wallet } from 'nanocurrency-web'
// Generates a new wallet with a mnemonic phrase, seed and an account
// You can also generate your own entropy for the mnemonic or set a seed password
// Notice, that losing the password will make the mnemonic phrase void
const wallet = wallet.generate(entropy?, password?)
// Import a wallet with the mnemonic phrase
const wallet = wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, seedPassword?)
// Import a wallet with a seed
const wallet = wallet.fromSeed(seed)
// Derive private keys for a seed, from and to are number indexes
const accounts = wallet.accounts(seed, from, to)
The returned wallet JSON format is as follows:
mnemonic: 'edge defense waste choose enrich upon flee junk siren film clown finish luggage leader kid quick brick print evidence swap drill paddle truly occur',
seed: '0dc285fde768f7ff29b66ce7252d56ed92fe003b605907f7a4f683c3dc8586d34a914d3c71fc099bb38ee4a59e5b081a3497b7a323e90cc68f67b5837690310c',
accounts: [
accountIndex: 0,
privateKey: '3be4fc2ef3f3b7374e6fc4fb6e7bb153f8a2998b3b3dab50853eabe128024143',
publicKey: '5b65b0e8173ee0802c2c3e6c9080d1a16b06de1176c938a924f58670904e82c4',
address: 'nano_1pu7p5n3ghq1i1p4rhmek41f5add1uh34xpb94nkbxe8g4a6x1p69emk8y1d'
Signing a receive block
import { block } from 'nanocurrency-web'
const privateKey = '781186FB9EF17DB6E3D1056550D9FAE5D5BBADA6A6BC370E4CBB938B1DC71DA3';
const data = {
// Your current balance in RAW
walletBalanceRaw: '18618869000000000000000000000000',
// From the pending transaction
fromAddress: 'nano_1e5aqegc1jb7qe964u4adzmcezyo6o146zb8hm6dft8tkp79za3sxwjym5rx',
// Your address
toAddress: 'nano_3kyb49tqpt39ekc49kbej51ecsjqnimnzw1swxz4boix4ctm93w517umuiw8',
// From wallet info
representativeAddress: 'nano_1stofnrxuz3cai7ze75o174bpm7scwj9jn3nxsn8ntzg784jf1gzn1jjdkou',
// From wallet info
frontier: '92BA74A7D6DC7557F3EDA95ADC6341D51AC777A0A6FF0688A5C492AB2B2CB40D',
// From the pending transaction in RAW
amountRaw: '7000000000000000000000000000000',
// Generate the work server-side or a DPOW service
work: 'c5cf86de24b24419',
// Returns a correctly formatted and signed block ready to be sent to the blockchain
const signedBlock = block.sign(data, privateKey)
Signing a send block
import { block } from 'nanocurrency-web'
const privateKey = '781186FB9EF17DB6E3D1056550D9FAE5D5BBADA6A6BC370E4CBB938B1DC71DA3';
const data = {
// Current balance from wallet info
walletBalanceRaw: '5618869000000000000000000000000',
// Your wallet address
fromAddress: 'nano_1e5aqegc1jb7qe964u4adzmcezyo6o146zb8hm6dft8tkp79za3sxwjym5rx',
// The address to send to
toAddress: 'nano_1q3hqecaw15cjt7thbtxu3pbzr1eihtzzpzxguoc37bj1wc5ffoh7w74gi6p',
// From wallet info
representativeAddress: 'nano_1stofnrxuz3cai7ze75o174bpm7scwj9jn3nxsn8ntzg784jf1gzn1jjdkou',
// Previous block, from wallet info
frontier: '92BA74A7D6DC7557F3EDA95ADC6341D51AC777A0A6FF0688A5C492AB2B2CB40D',
// The amount to send in RAW
amountRaw: '2000000000000000000000000000000',
// Generate work on server-side or a DPOW service
work: 'fbffed7c73b61367',
// Returns a correctly formatted and signed block ready to be sent to the blockchain
const signedBlock = block.sign(data, privateKey)
Signing a change representative block
import { block } from 'nanocurrency-web'
const privateKey = '781186FB9EF17DB6E3D1056550D9FAE5D5BBADA6A6BC370E4CBB938B1DC71DA3';
const data = {
// Your current balance, from account info
walletBalanceRaw: '3000000000000000000000000000000',
// Your wallet address
address: 'nano_3igf8hd4sjshoibbbkeitmgkp1o6ug4xads43j6e4gqkj5xk5o83j8ja9php',
// The new representative
representativeAddress: 'nano_1anrzcuwe64rwxzcco8dkhpyxpi8kd7zsjc1oeimpc3ppca4mrjtwnqposrs',
// Previous block, from account info
frontier: '128106287002E595F479ACD615C818117FCB3860EC112670557A2467386249D4',
// Generate work on the server side or a DPOW service
work: '0000000000000000',
// Returns a correctly formatted and signed block ready to be sent to the blockchain
const signedBlock = block.sign(data, privateKey)
Converting units
import { converter } from 'nanocurrency-web'
// Convert 1 Nano to RAW
const converted = converter.convert('1', 'NANO', 'RAW')
// Convert 1 RAW to Nano
const converted = converter.convert('1000000000000000000000000000000', 'RAW', 'NANO')
You are welcome to contribute to the module. To develop, use the following commands
npm install
to install all the dependenciesnpm run build
to build the Typescript codenpm run test
to run the tests
If this helped you in your endeavours and you feel like supporting the developer, feel free to donate some Nano: