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Far-Se authored and Far-Se committed Jul 26, 2022
1 parent 130f8ee commit 63c8edc
Showing 31 changed files with 1,239 additions and 489 deletions.
315 changes: 315 additions & 0 deletions lib/models/classes/boxes.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:tabamewin32/tabamewin32.dart';
import '../../main.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'saved_maps.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

import '../win32/win32.dart';

class Boxes {
// vscode-fold=2
static late SharedPreferences pref;
static List<String> mediaControls = <String>[];

static Future<void> registerBoxes() async {
pref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
// await pref.remove("projects");
// pref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
//? Settings
if (pref.getString("language") == null) {
await pref.setInt("taskBarAppsStyle", TaskBarAppsStyle.activeMonitorFirst.index);
await pref.setInt("volumeOSDStyle", VolumeOSDStyle.normal.index);

await pref.setInt("themeType", ThemeType.system.index);
await pref.setString("lightTheme", globalSettings.lightTheme.toJson());
await pref.setString("darkTheme", globalSettings.darkTheme.toJson());

await pref.setString("language", Platform.localeName.substring(0, 2));
String city = "berlin, germany";
// ? Get city from IP
final http.Response ip = await http.get(Uri.parse(""));
if (ip.statusCode == 200) {
final http.Response response = await http.get(Uri.parse("${ip.body}"));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = json.decode(response.body);
if (data.containsKey("city") && data.containsKey("country")) {
city = "${data["city"]}, ${data["country"]}";
await pref.setStringList("weather", <String>["10 C", city, "m", "%c+%t"]);
await pref.setBool("hideTaskbarOnStartup", false);
await pref.setBool("showQuickMenuAtTaskbarLevel", true);
await pref.setBool("showMediaControlForApp", true);
await pref.setBool("showTrayBar", true);
await pref.setBool("showWeather", true);
await pref.setBool("showPowerShell", true);
await pref.setBool("showSystemUsage", false);
await pref.setBool("runAsAdministrator", false);
await setStartOnSystemStartup(true);
pref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
..hideTaskbarOnStartup = pref.getBool("hideTaskbarOnStartup") ?? false
..taskBarAppsStyle = TaskBarAppsStyle.values[pref.getInt("taskBarAppsStyle") ?? 0]
..themeType = ThemeType.values[pref.getInt("themeType") ?? 0]
..themeScheduleMin = pref.getInt("themeScheduleMin") ?? 0
..themeScheduleMax = pref.getInt("themeScheduleMax") ?? 0
..language = pref.getString("language") ?? Platform.localeName.substring(0, 2)
..customLogo = pref.getString("customLogo") ?? ""
..customSpash = pref.getString("customSpash") ?? "" = pref.getStringList("weather") ?? <String>["10 C", "berlin, germany", "m", "%c+%t"]
..volumeOSDStyle = VolumeOSDStyle.values[pref.getInt("volumeOSDStyle") ?? 0]
..showQuickMenuAtTaskbarLevel = pref.getBool("showQuickMenuAtTaskbarLevel") ?? true
..showMediaControlForApp = pref.getBool("showMediaControlForApp") ?? true
..showTrayBar = pref.getBool("showTrayBar") ?? false
..showWeather = pref.getBool("showWeather") ?? false
..showPowerShell = pref.getBool("showPowerShell") ?? false
..runAsAdministrator = pref.getBool("runAsAdministrator") ?? false
..quickMenuPinnedWithTrayAtBottom = pref.getBool("quickMenuPinnedWithTrayAtBottom") ?? false
..usePowerShellAsToastNotification = pref.getBool("usePowerShellAsToastNotification") ?? false
..showSystemUsage = pref.getBool("showSystemUsage") ?? false;

final String? lightTheme = pref.getString("lightTheme");
final String? darkTheme = pref.getString("darkTheme");
if (lightTheme == null || darkTheme == null) {
pref.setString("lightTheme", globalSettings.lightTheme.toJson());
pref.setString("darkTheme", globalSettings.darkTheme.toJson());
if (lightTheme != null) globalSettings.lightTheme = ThemeColors.fromJson(lightTheme);
if (darkTheme != null) globalSettings.darkTheme = ThemeColors.fromJson(darkTheme);
themeChangeNotifier.value = !themeChangeNotifier.value;
//? Pinned Apps
if (pref.getStringList("pinnedApps") == null) {
final List<String> pinnedApps2 = await WinUtils.getTaskbarPinnedApps();
final String taskManagerPath = WinUtils.getTaskManagerPath();
if (taskManagerPath != "") pinnedApps2.add(taskManagerPath);
await pref.setStringList("pinnedApps", pinnedApps2);

if (pref.getString("powerShellScripts") == null) {
final List<String> powerShellScripts = <String>[
PowerShellScript(name: "🏠Show IP", command: "(Invoke-WebRequest -uri \"\").Content", showTerminal: true).toJson()
await pref.setString("powerShellScripts", jsonEncode(powerShellScripts));
//? Taskbar
if (!kDebugMode) {
if (globalSettings.hideTaskbarOnStartup) {
WinUtils.toggleTaskbar(visible: false);

//? Volume
globalSettings.volumeOSDStyle =;
if (globalSettings.volumeOSDStyle != VolumeOSDStyle.normal) {
WinUtils.setVolumeOSDStyle(type: globalSettings.volumeOSDStyle, applyStyle: true);
//? Media Controls
mediaControls = pref.getStringList("mediaControls") ?? <String>["Spotify.exe", "chrome.exe", "firefox.exe", "Music.UI.exe"];
if (pageWatchers.where((PageWatcher element) => element.enabled).isNotEmpty) Tasks().startPageWatchers();
if (reminders.where((Reminder element) => element.enabled).isNotEmpty) Tasks().startReminders();

static Future<void> updateSettings(String key, dynamic value) async {
if (value is bool) {
await pref.setBool(key, value);
} else if (value is int) {
await pref.setInt(key, value);
} else if (value is String) {
await pref.setString(key, value);
} else if (value is List<String>) {
await pref.setStringList(key, value);
} else if (value is Map) {
await pref.setString(key, jsonEncode(value));
} else {
throw ("No asociated type $value");

pref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();

static List<T> getSavedMap<T>(T Function(String json) fromJson, String key) {
final String savedString = pref.getString(key) ?? "";
if (savedString.isEmpty) return <T>[];
final List<dynamic> list = jsonDecode(savedString);
final List<T> varMapped = <T>[];
for (String value in list) {
return varMapped;

Map<String, String> get taskBarRewrites {
final String rewrites = pref.getString("taskBarRewrites") ?? "";
if (rewrites == "") return <String, String>{"DevTools.*?\\.(.*?)\\..*?\$": "⚠DevTools: \$1 "};
final Map<String, String> rewritesMap = Map<String, String>.from(json.decode(rewrites));
return rewritesMap;

List<String> get topBarWidgets {
List<String> defaultWidgets = <String>[
final List<String> topBarWidgets = pref.getStringList("topBarWidgets") ?? defaultWidgets;
if (topBarWidgets.length != defaultWidgets.length) {
final Iterable<String> newItems = defaultWidgets.where((String widget) => !topBarWidgets.contains(widget));
final int disabledIndex = topBarWidgets.indexWhere((String element) => element == "Deactivated:");
topBarWidgets.insertAll(disabledIndex, newItems);
pref.setStringList("topBarWidgets", topBarWidgets);
return topBarWidgets;

List<String> get pinnedApps => pref.getStringList("pinnedApps") ?? <String>[];
List<PowerShellScript> get powerShellScripts => getSavedMap<PowerShellScript>(PowerShellScript.fromJson, "powerShellScripts");
List<ProjectGroup> get projects => getSavedMap<ProjectGroup>(ProjectGroup.fromJson, "projects");

static List<PageWatcher> _pageWatchers = <PageWatcher>[];
static set pageWatchers(List<PageWatcher> list) => _pageWatchers = list;
static List<PageWatcher> get pageWatchers => _pageWatchers.isEmpty ? _pageWatchers = getSavedMap<PageWatcher>(PageWatcher.fromJson, "pageWatchers") : _pageWatchers;

static List<Reminder> _reminders = <Reminder>[];
static set reminders(List<Reminder> list) => _reminders = list;
static List<Reminder> get reminders => _reminders.isEmpty ? _reminders = getSavedMap<Reminder>(Reminder.fromJson, "reminders") : _reminders;

class Tasks {
void startPageWatchers({int? specificIndex}) {
int index = -1;

for (PageWatcher watcher in Boxes.pageWatchers) {
if (specificIndex != null) {
if (index != specificIndex) continue;
if (!watcher.enabled || watcher.url == "") continue;
if (watcher.timer != null) watcher.timer?.cancel();
watcher.timer = Timer.periodic(
Duration(seconds: watcher.checkPeriod),
(Timer timer) async {
if (!watcher.enabled) timer.cancel();
final String newValue = await pageWatcherGetValue(watcher.url, watcher.regex);
if (newValue != watcher.lastMatch) {
watcher.lastMatch = newValue;
await Boxes.updateSettings("pageWatchers", jsonEncode(Boxes.pageWatchers));
String siteName = "";
final RegExp exp = RegExp(r'^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:[^@\/\n]+@)?(?:www\.)?([^:\/?\n]+)');
if (exp.hasMatch(watcher.url)) {
final RegExpMatch match = exp.firstMatch(watcher.url)!;
siteName =!;
} else {
siteName = watcher.url.replaceFirst("https://", "");
if (siteName.contains("/")) {}
siteName = siteName.substring(0, siteName.indexOf("/"));
if (watcher.voiceNotification) {
WinUtils.textToSpeech('Value for $siteName has changed to $newValue');
} else {
title: "Tabame Page Watcher",
body: "Value for site $siteName has changed to $newValue",
onClick: () {;

Future<String> pageWatcherGetValue(String url, String regex) async {
if (url == "") return "";
final http.Response response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final RegExp exp = RegExp(regex);
if (!exp.hasMatch(response.body)) return "";

final RegExpMatch match = exp.firstMatch(response.body)!;
return "";

void startReminders() {
for (Reminder reminder in Boxes.reminders) {
if (!reminder.enabled) continue;
if (reminder.repetitive) {
// ? Periodic.
int totalMinutes = reminder.interval[0];
final DateTime now =;
final int nowMinutes = now.hour * 60 +;
int differenceTime = 0;
if (nowMinutes < reminder.interval[1]) {
do {
totalMinutes += reminder.time;
} while (totalMinutes < nowMinutes);
differenceTime = totalMinutes - nowMinutes;
} else {
differenceTime = 24 - nowMinutes + reminder.interval[0];

if (differenceTime == 0) {
differenceTime = (60 - now.second) * 1000 - now.millisecond;
} else {
differenceTime = (differenceTime * 60 - now.second) * 1000 - now.millisecond;
reminder.timer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: differenceTime), () => reminderPeriodic(reminder));
} else {
// ? One per day
int minutes = 0;
final DateTime dateTime =;
final int now = dateTime.hour * 60 +;
if (now > reminder.time) {
minutes = 24 * 60 - now + reminder.time;
} else {
minutes = reminder.time - now;
minutes = (minutes * 60 - dateTime.second) * 1000 - dateTime.millisecond;
reminder.timer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: minutes), () => reminderDaily(reminder));

void reminderPeriodic(Reminder reminder) {
if (!reminder.enabled) return;
final int now = * 60 +;
if (now.isBetweenEqual(reminder.interval[0], reminder.interval[1]) && reminder.weekDays[]) {
if (reminder.voiceNotification) {
WinUtils.textToSpeech('${reminder.message}', repeat: -1);
} else {
WinUtils.showWindowsNotification(title: "Tabame Reminder", body: "Reminder: ${reminder.message}", onClick: () {});
reminder.timer = Timer(Duration(minutes: reminder.time), () => reminderPeriodic(reminder));

reminderDaily(Reminder reminder) {
if (!reminder.enabled) return;
if (reminder.voiceNotification) {
WinUtils.textToSpeech('${reminder.message}', repeat: -1);
} else {
WinUtils.showWindowsNotification(title: "Tabame Reminder", body: "Reminder: ${reminder.message}", onClick: () {});
reminder.timer = Timer(const Duration(days: 1), () => reminderDaily(reminder));
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/models/tray_watcher.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:tabamewin32/tabamewin32.dart';
import 'package:win32/win32.dart';

import 'utils.dart';
import 'classes/boxes.dart';
import 'win32/win32.dart';

class TrayBarInfo extends TrayInfo {
Oops, something went wrong.

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