- ActivityScenario vs ActivityScenarioRule
- Matching with text in view
- Basic activity navigation testing
- Creating test suites to run multiple test classes at once
- Simple use case testing the fragments and their behavior with no dependencies
- Testing kotlin final classes (making them open for testing)
- More complex tests and why dependency injection is recommended
- Providing dependencies with a FragmentFactory
- Ensuring correct fragment is in view after any particular action is taken.
- Selecting an image from android device gallery and confirming the correct one is received by onActivityResult
- IntentsTestRule
- Custom Image Matcher
- Taking a new image with camera and confirming the correct one is received by onActivityResult
- IntentsTestRule
- Custom Image Matcher
- Material Dialogs
- Showing a dialog and confirming it is in view
- Dismissing a dialog and confirming it is out of view
- Material Dialogs
- Capturing input from dialog and passing to fragment
- Confirming a toast is showing using a Custom Toast Matcher
- Confirming correct data in RecyclerView
- Clicking list items
- Navigating to different fragments when list item is clicked
- Back navigation testing