smart-contracts-playground Public
Personal smart-contracts developed for fun or different projects. Feel free to share any comments, ideas or general feedback.
Solidity UpdatedDec 14, 2021 -
snapshot-strategies Public
Forked from snapshot-labs/snapshot-strategiesSnapshot voting strategies
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedNov 7, 2021 -
assets Public
Forked from trustwallet/assetsA comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 25, 2021 -
bepro-js Public
Forked from bepronetwork/bepro-jsThe repository contains a comprehensive documentation of the bepro.network ecosystem as a javascript framework. If you are new to BEPRO, you might want to check out the Website Overview or our publ…
JavaScript UpdatedSep 28, 2021 -
SupplyChainManagement Public
Forked from Raviezz/SupplyChainManagementA smart contract for supply chain management built using block chain tehnology
HTML UpdatedMar 6, 2018