Tags: Fedihosting-Foundation/lemmy-lib
Update dependencies in poetry.lock Upgraded several package versions including "astroid", "bandit", "certifi", and "coverage". Added new dependencies "attrs", "boltons", "bracex", and "click-option-group". These changes aim to improve compatibility and introduce additional features offered by the latest versions.
functions to LemmyLib This commit involves the creation of new functions to handle private messages in the Lemmy library. These functions include retrieving, updating, deleting, and creating private messages. With these functionalities, it's easier to manage communications directly from the library.
Use enum value for 'listing_type' in api calls The bug in the API calls for listing comments and posts within the 'lemmylib' library has been fixed. The 'type_' parameter key was previously incorrectly expecting the entire 'listing_type' enum instance, but it now correctly expects the 'value' attribute of the 'listing_type' enum instance.
Use enum value for 'listing_type' in api calls The bug in the API calls for listing comments and posts within the 'lemmylib' library has been fixed. The 'type_' parameter key was previously incorrectly expecting the entire 'listing_type' enum instance, but it now correctly expects the 'value' attribute of the 'listing_type' enum instance.