The Math.NET Numerics solution is structured such that it is best to compile the whole solution (MathNet.Numerics.sln) directly in VisualStudio or by MsBuild.
All artifacts will be placed in a generated "out" directory in the solution root, structured as follows:
/lib/Net40: Binaries for .Net 4.0 /lib/SL4: Binaries for Silverlight 4
/debug/Net40: Debug Build for .Net 4.0 /debug/SL4: Debug Build for Silverlight 4
/test/Net40: Unit Tests for .Net 4.0 /test/debug/Net40: Debug Build Unit Tests for .Net 4.0
Windows Phone 7 builds will likely be added as "WP" subdirectories. Note that there are currently only unit tests for .Net 4.0 builds available.
We use TeamCity both for continuous integration and release builds & deployments, the configuration and scripts are located in this folder and subfolders