Math.NET Numerics is an opensource numerical library for .Net, Silverlight and Mono.
Math.NET Numerics is the numerical foundation of the Math.NET project, aiming to provide methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engineering and every day use. Covered topics include special functions, linear algebra, probability models, random numbers, interpolation, integral transforms (FFT) and more.
Math.NET Numerics is the result of merging dnAnalytics with Math.NET Iridium and is intended to replace both. It targets Microsoft .Net 4.0, Silverlight 4 and Mono, and in addition to purely managed implementations will also support native hardware optimization (MKL, ATLAS).
Math.NET Numerics is covered under the terms of the MIT/X11 license. You may therefore link to it and use it in both opensource and proprietary software projects. See also the COPYRIGHT file in the root folder.
- Project Website:
- User Guide & Blog: temporary address, will be merged with and using the project website domain in the future
- Source Code:
- Downloads:
- Discussions:
- Work Items and Bug Tracker:
- Ideas & Feedback:
- Twitter: @MathNetNumerics
Download the MathNet.Numerics.dll assembly, add a reference to it to your project and you're done. To make this even simpler we publish binary releases to the NuGet Gallery as package MathNet.Numerics (or MathNet.Numerics.FSharp for F# integration). Altenatively we also publish binary releases including documentation on CodePlex.
- Marcus Cuda @cuda
- Jurgen Van Gael @jvangael
- Christoph Rüegg @cdrnet
- Andriy Bratiychuk
Other dnAnalytics Contributors:
- Patrick van der Valde
Other Math.NET Iridium Contributors:
- Joannès Vermorel
- Matthew Kitchin
- Rana Ian
- Andrew Kurochka
- Thaddaeus Parker
ALGLIB Contributors:
Boost Contributors:
- John Maddock
Cephes Math Library Contributors:
- Stephen L. Moshier
See also the AUTHORS file in the root folder.