My personal colorscheme for Vim
##Airline Theme
Supports to statusline Vim-Airline.
Just move fx.vim to your
folder:$ cd Fx-ColorScheme/colors && mv fx.vim ~/.vim/colors
If you want install Airline configuration:
$ cd Fx-ColorScheme && cp -R autoload/ ~/.vim/colors
Download and install Pathogen
Clone Fx repository to your
directory:$ cd ~/.vim/bundle $ git clone
Put this line on your ~/.vimrc :
Plugin 'cesardeazevedo/Fx-ColorScheme'
After instalation, you just need enable your sytax hightlight and choose your background (dark or light), put the following lines in your ~/.vimrc
syntax on
set background = dark
colorscheme fx
if you want a light background mode :
syntax on
set background = light
colorscheme fx
#Palette Colors
FX Colors | HEX | RGB | CTERM |
base | #202020 | 32 32 32 | 233 |
base light | #f5f5f5 | 245 245 245 | 231 |
base2 | #303030 | 48 48 48 | 234 |
base2 light | #e7e7e7 | 231 231 231 | 172 |
black | #000000 | 0 0 0 | 232 |
red | #f40065 | 244 0 101 | 197 |
red2 | #ff0000 | 255 0 0 | 9 |
orange | #ed9e26 | 237 158 38 | 214 |
orange light | #f07800 | 240 120 0 | 172 |
purple | #7100ff | 113 0 255 | 99 |
purple2 | #5f00d7 | 95 0 215 | 56 |
green | #a5ff0b | 165 255 11 | 154 |
green light | #00d506 | 0 213 6 | 34 |
gray | #606060 | 96 96 96 | 241 |
grayLine | #121212 | 18 18 18 | 233 |
white | #e7e7e7 | 231 231 231 | 231 |
#Contributions I would be happy to receive contributions and pull requests.
I did a palette which contains all colors in hex value, rga colors separately and cterm value respectively, maybe be enough to export to others editors.
#License MIT Copyright (c) 2014 César Augusto D. Azevedo