Lib to parse the string names of enums in c. This is util to take the enum names as string to be used on c code.
typedef enum{
NAME1 = 0,
NAME3 = 10,
The lib_parse_enum return a list with the strings on defined enum order.
char **test_list = lib_parse_enum("test_e", "path of the file .c or .h")
test_list[0] : Return the string "NAME1"
test_list[1] : Return the string "NAME2"
test_list[3] : Return the string ""
test_list[10] : Return the string "Name3"
test_list[11] : Return the string "Name4"
To run the example:
Create a build directory:
mkdir build
Change to the newly created directory:
cd build
Configure CMake:
cmake ..
Build the project:
Run the