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Releases: Flafla2/Vive-Teleporter

HTC Vive Teleportation System v3.0.0

13 Jan 09:55
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Requires the SteamVR Plugin for Unity. Install SteamVR BEFORE installing this unitypackage.

See the Getting Started section of the README for initial setup tips.


  • [ViveNavMesh] Added Layer Mask, allowing users to filter the collider types that the system recognizes. Also added the ability to ignore trigger colliders.
  • [ViveNavMesh] Added "Navmesh Dewarping" to combat degenerate Navmesh bakes (such as Navmesh bakes with incorrectly-sloped faces). See README for more info.
  • [ViveNavMesh] Added "Sample Radius" parameter, that should be set to your Unity Navmesh voxel size (Navigation>Bake>Advanced>Voxel Size). This resolves a number of reported issues where the indicator circle does not appear (see #15 and #30).
  • [ParabolicPointer] Added an alternate selection pad mesh when the player points at an invalid / non-teleportable surface (by default, a red X).
  • [TeleportVive] Exposed TeleportVive::CurrentTeleportState, informing the surrounding app that teleporting is in use.
  • Added offline (HTML) documentation.


  • [ParabolicPointer] Selection pad mesh customization (for both "valid" and "invalid" teleportable states) are now customized through a prefab (see Vive-Teleporter/Art/Prefabs). This should make it easier to change the look of your pointer.
  • [TeleportVive] Tweaked haptic feedback behavior.
    • Haptic feedback clicking now considers horizontal / lateral movement
    • Haptic feedback is now disabled when pointing at an invalid surface
    • Added slightly harder click when user begins to point at a valid surface
  • [ParabolicPointer] Increased the default point count from 15 to 25
  • Border Renderer and Parabolic Pointer now respect the render layer of their GameObject
  • Parabolic Pointer and Vive Teleporter now create new instances of their Materials on start. This fixes a number of aesthetic bugs in the scene view and prevents the scripts from modifying the material files themselves.
  • Officially compatible with Unity 5.5 and SteamVR plugin 1.2.0.


  • [ViveNavMesh] Fixed a bug where the indicator circle does not appear under some circumstances (see #15 and #30). To fix, increase the Vive Navmesh "Sample Radius" parameter.
  • [ViveNavMesh] Fixed bug where the Ground Alpha is not editable in the inspector
  • [ViveNavMesh] Fixed a bug in the scene view where ViveNavMesh would not render the ground after exiting play mode.
  • [TeleportVive] Fixed bug where the chaperone border preview was rotated incorrectly if the camera rig (origin transform) had a rotation other than 0.

HTC Vive Teleportation System v2.0.0

29 May 05:20
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Requires the SteamVR Plugin for Unity. Install SteamVR BEFORE installing this unitypackage.

See the Getting Started section of the README for initial setup tips.


  • Parabolic Pointer: Added support for multiple ground levels.
  • Added the ability to selectively mask a ViveNavMesh using Unity's Navigation Areas. This allows users to remove areas from the teleportable space and to optimize the preview rendering step by cutting out unused space.
  • The Parabolic Pointer now cuts off when the player points at objects that are not on the Navigation Mesh (however it still does not register as a teleportable point). Previously the pointer would simply cut through these objects.


  • Parabolic Pointer now uses Physics.Raycast to detect world collisions. This means that you must now add physics colliders to all teleportable surfaces.
  • Highly optimized ViveNavMesh raycasting algorithm. ViveNavMesh now samples Unity's NavMesh directly after raycasting using Unity's Physics.Raycast (see above).
    • This change represents a shift in the direction of the project. In the beginning, I wanted to decouple my system from Unity's Navmesh completely. However Navmesh-only approximations proved to be complicated, costly, and/or innacurate. See #9 and #10 for discussion on this matter.
  • Added sanity checks and rewrote some of ViveNavMesh Editor to improve stability (especially concerning prefabs)
  • Changed serialization of ViveNavMesh border data to a more elegant and stable method. If you are upgrading to v2.0.0, you must update your ViveNavMesh due to these changes.


  • Fixed bug where Navmesh visualizer would hover 5cm above the ground (changed to 0.5cm to avoid z-fighting)
  • Fixed #11: Crash in Unity beta 5.4.0b18 and earlier when Ground Material is null in ViveNavMesh


  • Removed recommended Navmesh bake settings in setup (no longer necessary due to Navigation Area support)
  • Removed "Ground Level" option in Parabolic Pointer (no longer necessary due to multi floor level support)

HTC Vive Teleportation System v1.0.2

23 May 03:57
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Fixes a bug where the Unity editor would crash upon adding a Navmesh object in the Unity beta (version 5.4.0b18).

Requires the SteamVR Plugin for Unity. Install SteamVR BEFORE installing this unitypackage.

See the Getting Started section of the README for initial setup tips.

HTC Vive Teleportation System v1.0.1

23 May 02:28
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Hotfix: "Vive Nav Mesh" components now work if it is connected to a prefab. Previously the Navmesh data would reset upon loading a scene or entering play mode.

Requires the SteamVR Plugin for Unity. Install SteamVR BEFORE installing this unitypackage.

See the Getting Started section of the README for initial setup tips.

HTC Vive Teleportation System v1.0.0

22 May 04:12
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Initial Release.

EDIT: There is a bug with this release concerning prefabs. "Vive Nav Mesh" components will not work (the Navmesh data will reset) if it is connected to a prefab. The workaround for now (if you are using the included prefabs) is to click on the Navmesh object, then go to GameObject>break prefab instance. Then bake the navmesh and you should be good.

Requires the SteamVR Plugin for Unity. Install SteamVR BEFORE installing this unitypackage.

See the Getting Started section of the README for initial setup tips.