- London, United Kingdom
- http://flexmonkey.blogspot.com
Demo of Core Image filter to create SceneKit normal maps from procedural bump maps
Plum-O-Meter Public
3D Touch Application for Weighing Plums (and other small fruit!)
VideoEffects Public
iPad app to open videos from file system, apply Core Image filters and save result back SavedPhotosAlbum
App demonstrating extracting color data from CIAreaAverage and displaying Core Image Histograms
LiveCameraFiltering Public
Demonstration of applying a Comic Book filter to a live video feed
Filterpedia Public
Core Image Filter Explorer & Showcase
swift Public
Forked from swiftlang/swiftThe Swift Programming Language
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 16, 2020 -
Interpolation-Playground- Public
Swift playground demonstrating lerp, smooth step, Catcall-Rom and others!
ForceSketch Public
Demonstration of a Sketching App Using 3D Touch
AdvancedTouch Public
Swift Advanced Touch Handling in iOS9: Coalescing and Prediction
SceneKitMaterialEditor Public
A very simple app for editing SceneKit materials
ParticleLab Public
Particle system that's both calculated and rendered on the GPU using the Metal framework
CoreImageFluidDynamics Public
CIFilter / CIKernel based fluid dynamics
ParticleCam Public
Metal based particle system influenced by iPad camera
Blurable Public
Apply a Gaussian Blur to any UIView with Swift Protocol Extensions
SmoothScribble Public
Smooth Drawing for iOS in Swift with Hermite Spline Interpolation
DeepPressGestureRecognizer Public
UIGestureRecognizer for recognising deep press 3D Touch on iPhone 6s
StrangeAttractor Public
Lorenz Attractor in Swift & Metal
Globular Public
Colourful SpriteKit Metaballs Controlled by 3D Touch
CartoonEyes Public
Composite Cartoon Eyes over Face from Front Camera with CoreImage
3D-Motion-Controller Public
Using MultipeerConnectivity and CoreMotion to allow an iPhone to act as a 3D mouse for an iPad app
CoreImageHelpers Public
Syntactic sugar for displaying CIImage using OpenGL and grabbing CIImages from iOS cameras
Demo of UIImageOrientation to TIFF Orientation conversion that fixes orientation issues when creating CIImage from UIImage