Summer Research Project at VLSI Design Institute, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University.
Instructor: Prof. Huang Kejie @ZJU
Special thanks to my seniors Wang Chengxuan & Yang Zhiyao.
This is a FPGA Implementation of Collision based SRAM PUFs. Read Write Collision (RWC) PUF would base on the literature A new read–write collision-based SRAM PUF implemented on Xilinx FPGAs.
UART implementation based on (verilog)UART协议详讲与实现. (NOT used yet, will replace ILA later)
Xilinx VC707 | Virtex-7 XC7VX485TFFG1761-2
- Baud Rate: 9600
- Parity Bit: Even
- Stop Bit: 1
- Data Length: 8
- Clock
- Input: 200MHZ Differential Clock (System Clock)
- Output: 350MHZ Single Port Clock
- Block RAM Generator
- True Dual Port Mode (TDP)
- Data Width: 32
- Data Depth: 1024
- Read & Write Delay: 1 cycle (No primitive register enabled)
Latest Progress is recorded in RTL Source Log, which is the README file in srcs folder.
- Read-Write Collision PUF
- Single Port: FAILED
- Dual Port: In progress, SUCCEED
- Dual-Port Write Collision PUF