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Installation En

MK edited this page Jan 14, 2024 · 1 revision

Mod Installation

To install the mod, go here. Insert it on both the server and the client.

Database Installation

To simplify data storage, the mod requires the creation of a database. Several options are available; you can connect the mod to an SQL database or use SQLite for local operation. MongoDB usage is planned for the future.

To establish the connection between the database and the server, the mod will create a file.


For MySQL, use the url, user, and password properties (see example). For MySQL installation, search the internet as numerous tutorials already exist, such as this one.

Example for MySQL:

url=jdbc:mysql://[DATABASE IP]:[DATABASE PORT]/[DATABASE NAME]?useUnicode=true&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UTC&autoReconnect=true

user and password are used to provide the database connection credentials.

And here's an example for SQLITE:


The mod will automatically create a file sphone.db. If you want to edit this file, various software is available: DB Browser for SQLITE.

⚠️ Use SQLITE at your own risk.

Mod Customization

If you want to customize the mod (e.g., the city name in the Weather application), you can edit the .lang files of the mod. You will find several properties such as sphone.meteo.cityname to modify the displayed city name in the application.


  • You can add wallpapers by editing the backgrounds.json file in assets/sphone/ui/backgrounds/backgrounds.json. Simply add an element to the JSON file like this:

The image should be located like this: assets/sphone/textures/ui/background/[ID].png

  • You can change the time format displayed here:

by modifying the value sphone.timeformat in the .lang file.

Note: The id property must be unique.

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