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Add gravitational acceleration through environmentals attribute
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fluidnumerics-joe committed Nov 26, 2022
1 parent e04fa5e commit 833efd6
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Showing 4 changed files with 246 additions and 9 deletions.
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141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions examples/CompressibleIdealGas2D/HydrostaticAdjustment.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
PROGRAM HydrostaticAdjustment

USE SELF_Constants
USE SELF_Lagrange
USE SELF_Geometry
USE SELF_CompressibleIdealGas2D


INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nvar = 4 ! The number prognostic variables

REAL(prec) :: dt
REAL(prec) :: ioInterval
REAL(prec) :: tn
INTEGER :: N ! Control Degree
INTEGER :: M ! Target degree
INTEGER :: quadrature
CHARACTER(LEN=self_QuadratureTypeCharLength) :: qChar
CHARACTER(LEN=self_QuadratureTypeCharLength) :: integrator
LOGICAL :: mpiRequested
LOGICAL :: gpuRequested

REAL(prec) :: referenceEntropy
TYPE(Lagrange),TARGET :: interp
TYPE(Mesh2D),TARGET :: mesh
TYPE(SEMQuad),TARGET :: geometry
TYPE(CompressibleIdealGas2D),TARGET :: semModel
TYPE(MPILayer),TARGET :: decomp
TYPE(CLI) :: args
CHARACTER(LEN=500) :: meshfile
CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: gravity

CALL get_environment_variable("SELF_PREFIX", SELF_PREFIX)
CALL args % Init( TRIM(SELF_PREFIX)//"/etc/cli/default.json")
CALL args % LoadFromCLI()

CALL args % Get_CLI('--output-interval',ioInterval)
CALL args % Get_CLI('--end-time',tn)
CALL args % Get_CLI('--time-step',dt)
CALL args % Get_CLI('--mpi',mpiRequested)
CALL args % Get_CLI('--gpu',gpuRequested)
CALL args % Get_CLI('--control-degree',N)
CALL args % Get_CLI('--control-quadrature',qChar)
quadrature = GetIntForChar(qChar)
CALL args % Get_CLI('--target-degree',M)
CALL args % Get_CLI('--integrator',integrator)
CALL args % Get_CLI('--mesh',meshfile)

IF( TRIM(meshfile) == '')THEN
meshfile = TRIM(SELF_PREFIX)//"/etc/mesh/Block2D/Block2D_mesh.h5"

! Initialize a domain decomposition
! Here MPI is disabled, since scaling is currently
! atrocious with the uniform block mesh
CALL decomp % Init(enableMPI=mpiRequested)

! Create an interpolant
CALL interp % Init(N,quadrature,M,UNIFORM)

! Read in mesh file
CALL mesh % Read_HOPr(TRIM(meshfile),decomp)

! Reset the boundary condition to prescribed
CALL mesh % ResetBoundaryConditionType(SELF_BC_NONORMALFLOW)

! Generate geometry (metric terms) from the mesh elements
CALL geometry % Init(interp,mesh % nElem)
CALL geometry % GenerateFromMesh(mesh)

! Initialize the semModel
CALL semModel % Init(nvar,mesh,geometry,decomp)

IF( gpuRequested )THEN
CALL semModel % EnableGPUAccel()
! Update the device for the whole model
! This ensures that the mesh, geometry, and default state match on the GPU
CALL semModel % UpdateDevice()

CALL semModel % SetStaticSTP()
CALL semModel % CalculateEntropy()
CALL semModel % ReportEntropy()
referenceEntropy = semModel % entropy

! Uses the initial condition to set the prescribed state
! for model boundary conditions
CALL semModel % SetPrescribedSolution()

CALL semModel % SetGravity( "p = 10.0*y" )

! Write the initial condition to file
CALL semModel % WriteModel()
CALL semModel % WriteTecplot()

! Set the time integrator
CALL semModel % SetTimeIntegrator(TRIM(integrator))

! Set your time step
semModel % dt = dt

!! Forward step the semModel and do the file io
CALL semModel % ForwardStep( tn = tn, ioInterval = ioInterval )

!! Manually write the last semModel state
CALL semModel % WriteModel('solution.pickup.h5')

! Error checking !
IF( semModel % entropy /= semModel % entropy )THEN
PRINT*, "Model entropy is not a number"

IF( semModel % entropy >= HUGE(1.0_prec) )THEN
PRINT*, "Model entropy is infinite."

IF( semModel % entropy > referenceEntropy )THEN
PRINT*, "Warning : final entropy greater than initial entropy"
! Currently do nothing in this situation, since
! conservative solvers in mapped geometries may
! not be entropy conservative.
! However, throwing this warning will bring some
! visibility

! Clean up
CALL semModel % Free()
CALL decomp % Free()
CALL geometry % Free()
CALL mesh % Free()
CALL interp % Free()
CALL args % Free()
CALL decomp % Finalize()

END PROGRAM HydrostaticAdjustment
97 changes: 92 additions & 5 deletions src/models/SELF_CompressibleIdealGas2D.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ MODULE SELF_CompressibleIdealGas2D

TYPE(MappedScalar2D) :: primitive ! Contains primitive variables
TYPE(MappedScalar2D) :: entropyVars ! Contains entropy variables
TYPE(MappedScalar2D) :: environmentals ! Functions to describe environmental features (e.g. gravitational potential)
TYPE(MappedVector2D) :: environmentalsGradient ! Functions to describe environmental features (e.g. gravitational potential)

TYPE(MappedScalar2D) :: diagnostics

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +81,11 @@ MODULE SELF_CompressibleIdealGas2D
PROCEDURE,PRIVATE :: SetVelocityFromChar_CompressibleIdealGas2D
PROCEDURE,PRIVATE :: SetVelocityFromEqn_CompressibleIdealGas2D

GENERIC :: SetGravity => SetGravityFromChar_CompressibleIdealGas2D,&
PROCEDURE,PRIVATE :: SetGravityFromChar_CompressibleIdealGas2D
PROCEDURE,PRIVATE :: SetGravityFromEqn_CompressibleIdealGas2D

GENERIC :: SetPrescribedSolution => SetPrescribedSolutionFromChar_CompressibleIdealGas2D,&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,12 +158,12 @@ END SUBROUTINE SetBoundaryCondition_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu_wrapper

SUBROUTINE Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu_wrapper(source, solution, N, nVar, nEl) &
SUBROUTINE Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu_wrapper(source, solution, environmentalsGradient, N, nVar, nEl) &
USE iso_c_binding
USE SELF_Constants
TYPE(c_ptr) :: source, solution
TYPE(c_ptr) :: source, solution, environmentalsGradient
END SUBROUTINE Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu_wrapper
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,6 +272,8 @@ SUBROUTINE Init_CompressibleIdealGas2D(this,nvar,mesh,geometry,decomp)
CALL this % prescribedSolution % Init(geometry % x % interp,nvarloc,this % mesh % nElem)
CALL this % diagnostics % Init(geometry % x % interp,nDiagnostics,this % mesh % nElem)
CALL this % prescribedDiagnostics % Init(geometry % x % interp,nDiagnostics,this % mesh % nElem)
CALL this % environmentals % Init(geometry % x % interp,1,this % mesh % nElem)
CALL this % environmentalsGradient % Init(geometry % x % interp,1,this % mesh % nElem)
CALL this % workSol % Init(geometry % x % interp,nVar,this % mesh % nElem)
CALL this % prevSol % Init(geometry % x % interp,nVar,this % mesh % nElem)
CALL this % velocity % Init(geometry % x % interp,1,this % mesh % nElem)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,6 +338,10 @@ SUBROUTINE Init_CompressibleIdealGas2D(this,nvar,mesh,geometry,decomp)
CALL this % primitive % SetUnits(4,"kg/m/s^2")
CALL this % primitive % SetDescription(4,"Fluid pressure")

CALL this % environmentals % SetName(1,"gp")
CALL this % environmentals % SetUnits(1,"m^2/s^2")
CALL this % environmentals % SetDescription(1,"Gravitational Potential")

END SUBROUTINE Init_CompressibleIdealGas2D

SUBROUTINE Free_CompressibleIdealGas2D(this)
Expand All @@ -339,6 +352,8 @@ SUBROUTINE Free_CompressibleIdealGas2D(this)
CALL this % prescribedSolution % Free()
CALL this % diagnostics % Free()
CALL this % prescribedDiagnostics % Free()
CALL this % environmentals % Free()
CALL this % environmentalsGradient % Free()
CALL this % workSol % Free()
CALL this % velocity % Free()
CALL this % compVelocity % Free()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,6 +548,69 @@ SUBROUTINE SetVelocityFromChar_CompressibleIdealGas2D(this, eqnChar)

END SUBROUTINE SetVelocityFromChar_CompressibleIdealGas2D

SUBROUTINE SetGravityFromEqn_CompressibleIdealGas2D(this, eqn)
!! Sets the fluid velocity field using the provided equation parser
!! The momentum is then updated using the current fluid density field.
!! From here, the PreTendency method is called to set other diagnostics
!! The total energy field is calculated using the internal energy (diagnosed from the
!! in-situ temperature) and the new kinetic energy field.
CLASS(CompressibleIdealGas2D),INTENT(inout) :: this
TYPE(EquationParser),INTENT(in) :: eqn
! Local
INTEGER :: i,j,iEl,iVar

CALL this % environmentals % SetEquation(1, eqn % equation)

CALL this % environmentals % SetInteriorFromEquation( this % geometry, this % t )
CALL this % environmentals % BoundaryInterp( gpuAccel = .FALSE. )

CALL this % environmentals % GradientBR( this % geometry, &
this % environmentalsGradient, &

IF( this % gpuAccel )THEN
CALL this % environmentals % UpdateDevice()
CALL this % environmentalsGradient % UpdateDevice()

CALL this % environmentalsGradient % BoundaryInterp( gpuAccel = this % gpuAccel )

END SUBROUTINE SetGravityFromEqn_CompressibleIdealGas2D

SUBROUTINE SetGravityFromChar_CompressibleIdealGas2D(this, eqnChar)
!! Sets the fluid velocity field using the provided equation parser
!! The momentum is then updated using the current fluid density field.
!! From here, the PreTendency method is called to set other diagnostics
!! The total energy field is calculated using the internal energy (diagnosed from the
!! in-situ temperature) and the new kinetic energy field.
CLASS(CompressibleIdealGas2D),INTENT(inout) :: this
CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(in) :: eqnChar
! Local
INTEGER :: i,j,iEl,iVar
REAL(prec) :: rho, u, v, temperature, internalE, KE

CALL this % environmentals % SetEquation(1, eqnChar)

CALL this % environmentals % SetInteriorFromEquation( this % geometry, this % t )
CALL this % environmentals % BoundaryInterp( gpuAccel = .FALSE. )

CALL this % environmentals % GradientBR( this % geometry, &
this % environmentalsGradient, &

IF( this % gpuAccel )THEN
CALL this % environmentals % UpdateDevice()
CALL this % environmentalsGradient % UpdateDevice()

CALL this % environmentalsGradient % BoundaryInterp( gpuAccel = this % gpuAccel )

END SUBROUTINE SetGravityFromChar_CompressibleIdealGas2D

SUBROUTINE SetPrescribedSolutionFromEqn_CompressibleIdealGas2D(this, eqn)
CLASS(CompressibleIdealGas2D),INTENT(inout) :: this
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1080,27 +1158,36 @@ SUBROUTINE Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D(this)
CLASS(CompressibleIdealGas2D),INTENT(inout) :: this
! Local
INTEGER :: i,j,iEl,iVar
REAL(prec) :: rhou, rhov, rho, gx, gy

IF( this % gpuAccel )THEN

CALL Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu_wrapper( this % source % interior % deviceData, &
this % solution % interior % deviceData, &
this % environmentalsGradient % interior % deviceData, &
this % source % interp % N, &
this % source % nVar, &
this % source % nElem )


DO iEl = 1, this % source % nElem
DO iVar = 1, this % source % nvar
DO j = 0, this % source % interp % N
DO i = 0, this % source % interp % N

this % source % interior % hostData(i,j,iVar,iEl) = 0.0_prec
rhou = this % solution % interior % hostData(i,j,1,iEl)
rhov = this % solution % interior % hostData(i,j,2,iEl)
rho = this % solution % interior % hostData(i,j,3,iEl)
gx = this % environmentalsGradient % interior % hostData(1,i,j,1,iEl)
gy = this % environmentalsGradient % interior % hostData(2,i,j,1,iEl)

this % source % interior % hostData(i,j,1,iEl) = -rho*gx ! (\rho u)_t = -\rho gx
this % source % interior % hostData(i,j,2,iEl) = -rho*gy ! (\rho v)_t = -\rho gy
this % source % interior % hostData(i,j,3,iEl) = 0.0 ! (\rho )_t = 0
this % source % interior % hostData(i,j,4,iEl) = -rhou*gx-rhou*gy ! (\rho E )_t = -\rho u g_x - \rho u g_


Expand Down
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions src/models/hip/SELF_CompressibleIdealGas2D.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,23 +2,32 @@
#include "SELF_HIP_Macros.h"
#include <cstdio>

__global__ void Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu(real *source, real *solution, int N, int nVar){
__global__ void Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu(real *source, real *solution, real *environmentalsGradient, int N, int nVar){

// Get the array indices from the GPU thread IDs
size_t iVar = blockIdx.x;
size_t iEl = blockIdx.y;
size_t i = threadIdx.x;
size_t j = threadIdx.y;

source[SC_2D_INDEX(i,j,iVar,iEl,N,nVar)] = 0.0;
real rhou = solution[SC_2D_INDEX(i,j,0,iEl,N,nVar)];
real rhov = solution[SC_2D_INDEX(i,j,1,iEl,N,nVar)];
real rho = solution[SC_2D_INDEX(i,j,2,iEl,N,nVar)];
real gx = environmentalsGradient[VE_2D_INDEX(1,i,j,0,iEl,N,1)];
real gy = environmentalsGradient[VE_2D_INDEX(2,i,j,0,iEl,N,1)];

source[SC_2D_INDEX(i,j,0,iEl,N,nVar)] = -rho*gx;
source[SC_2D_INDEX(i,j,1,iEl,N,nVar)] = -rho*gy;
source[SC_2D_INDEX(i,j,2,iEl,N,nVar)] = 0.0;
source[SC_2D_INDEX(i,j,3,iEl,N,nVar)] = -rhou*gx-rhou*gy;


extern "C"
void Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu_wrapper(real **source, real **solution, int N, int nVar, int nEl)
void Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu_wrapper(real **source, real **solution, real **environmentalsGradient, int N, int nVar, int nEl)
Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu<<<dim3(nVar,nEl,1), dim3(N+1,N+1,1), 0, 0>>>(*source, *solution, N, nVar);
Source_CompressibleIdealGas2D_gpu<<<dim3(nVar,nEl,1), dim3(N+1,N+1,1), 0, 0>>>(*source, *solution, *environmentalsGradient, N, nVar);

Expand Down

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