A very basic IRCBot in Clojure.
{:nick "Cjoey"
:servers [{:server "irc.blabla.com"
:port 6667
:chans #{"#lobby"}}
{:server "irc.blabla.com"
:port 13337
:chans #{"#bot"}}]
:owner #{"Foxboron", "Guy2"}
:mark "@"}
lein deps
lein run
The setup file should be simple enough.
The bot itself got some basic commands, use help and try guess :D
Based on this code: http://nakkaya.com/2010/02/10/a-simple-clojure-irc-client/
Copyright © 2013 Morten "Foxboron" Linderud
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.