Yet another incredibly boring dotfiles organizer. It will make symlinks from your dotfiles git repo to the relevant files in your filesystem.
It will search for a dfo.yaml file in your git repo to figure out what files it should copy. The file should look like this:
# target: source
.vimrc: vimrc
.vim: vim
.tmux.conf: tmux/tmux.conf
go get
For setting things up initially, you usually just need to do something like:
dfo -gitrepo="[email protected]:FranGM/dotfiles"
Usage of dfo:
-backup=false: Perform backups of files that are updated
-gitrepo="": Remote git repo that holds your dotfiles
-noop=false: Run in noop mode (just do a dry-run)
-updategit=true: Do a 'git pull' and update submodules of the git repo
-verbose=false: Verbose output
-workdir="/home/fran/.dfo": Work directory for dfo (will be used to store backups and dotfiles git repo)
You can create a ~/.dfo/config.yaml file with the settings you want to set your defaults, like this:
noop: true
verbose: true
gitrepo only needs to be specified in the first run, when dfo will clone it. In subsequent runs, the existing repo (which is cloned at .dfo/dotfiles) will be used.
When replacing any files in your file system dfo will make a backup in a timestamped directory in its working directory. For example, if it replaces .vimrc it might appear here: