To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
FZRouterSwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'FZRouterSwift'
default plist file data template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
FZDefaultURLRouterPlistLoader will analytic transformation
fran:// -> target: Target_RouterDemo action: testRouterAction:
fran:// -> target: Target_OCRouterDemo action: testOCRouterAction:
fran:// -> target: Target_OCRouterDemo action: testOCRouterAction2:
out target file like this
class Target_RouterDemo: NSObject {
@objc class func testRouterAction(_ dataPacket: FZRouterDataPacketProtocol) {
if let params = dataPacket.parameters {
print("testRouterAction parameters : \(params.description)")
dataPacket.returnValue = "Target_RouterDemo.testRouterAction"
@objc class func urlRouter(_ dataPacket: FZRouterDataPacketProtocol) {
if let params = dataPacket.parameters {
print("urlRouter parameters : \(params.description)")
dataPacket.returnValue = "Target_RouterDemo.urlRouter"
#import <FZRouter/FZRouter-Swift.h>
@implementation Target_OCRouterDemo
+ (void)testOCRouterAction:(id<FZRouterDataPacketProtocol>)dataPacket{
NSLog(@"testOCRouterAction parameters : %@", dataPacket.parameters);
dataPacket.returnValue = @"Target_OCRouterDemo.testOCRouterAction";
+ (void)testOCRouterAction2:(id<FZRouterDataPacketProtocol>)dataPacket{
NSLog(@"%@", dataPacket.parameters);
dataPacket.returnValue = @(9527);
we can call router like this, parameters will passing to Target-Action method. you can record return value and receive it.
if let result = try? FZRouter.defaultRouter.router(withRouterURL: "fran://"){
print("\(String(describing: result.parameters)) -> \(String(describing: result.returnValue))")
FZRouter.defaultRouter.router(withRouterURL: "fran://", extraParameters: ["name": "FranZhou", "age": 29])
FZRouter.defaultRouter.router(withRouterURL: "fran://")
we can update or save router in other ways:
FZRouter.defaultRouter.updateOrSave(withRouterURL: "fran://") { (dataPacket) in
dataPacket.returnValue = { () -> Void in
print("I am happy")
if let result = try? FZRouter.defaultRouter.router(withRouterURL: "fran://"){
print("\(String(describing: result.parameters)) -> \(String(describing: result.returnValue))")
if let returnValue = result.returnValue as? () -> Void{
You can consult FZDefaultURLRouter to implement your own routing parser.
FranZhou, [email protected]
swift QQ交流群: 628172981
FZRouterSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.