Shapeify Public
Recreate your images with simple shapes
MercadoLibreScrapping Public
Web scrapper que dada una búsqueda, obtiene datos de cada uno de los productos encontrados y exporta los resultados a .csv
Python UpdatedJul 18, 2024 -
TheyChat Public
Client-server chat application that facilitates secure communication and file transferring. Built with CMake and designed for POSIX systems, it features a multithreaded server, a simple text-based …
CPU-Ray-Tracer-GUI Public
Ray Tracer based on "Ray Tracing from the Ground Up". GUI for "CPU-Ray-Tracer" repository.
CPU-Ray-Tracer Public
CPU Ray Tracer based on the book "Ray Tracing from the Ground Up"
3DPlatformerWwiseTest Public
Test environment for Wwise godot integration
SpatialPartition Public
Implementation and comparison of spatial partition algorithms
Python UpdatedNov 15, 2023 -
DataSerializer Public
Custom file format for serializing and deserializing data
C++ UpdatedNov 12, 2023 -
2D-Lights Public
2D Light offline CPU renderer
2D-Reflections Public
2D Relfections simulator using python and pygame