A package aiming to automate the email-sending process and counter Python-related introspection issues.
Mager can be installed using pip
(no third-party dependencies needed):
$ python3 -m pip install mager
Send an email to specified recipients
from mager.gmail_manager import Sender, Info
sender = Sender(<your_email>, <your_app_pwd>)
rinfo = Info(
recipients=[<email_1>, <email_2>, ..., <email_n>],
subject='This is a test email',
body='This is the email body.',
Send an email every 3 seconds, for a total of 5 emails
sender.send(rinfo, every='3s', mail_n=5)
Use a custom template
from textwrap import dedent
body = dedent('''\
Hi! Here's an image of a cute cat: $img1, and a smaller one: $img2,
Click [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/VWjRf) to learn more about them.\
img_url = 'https://i.imgur.com/AD3MbBi.jpeg'
rinfo = Info(
recipients=[<email_1>, <email_2>, ..., <email_n>],
subject='This is a test email',
images=[img_url, (img_url, 'h150')]
Get the copy type (works well for one-dimensional containers)
from mager.copy_checker import CopyChecker, codes
from copy import copy, deepcopy
def get_copy(iter1, iter2):
code = CopyChecker(iter1, iter2).check_copy()
lst_with_mutable = [1, 2, [3]]
get_copy(lst_with_mutable, lst_with_mutable) # same ref
get_copy(lst_with_mutable, copy(lst_with_mutable)) # shallow
get_copy(lst_with_mutable, deepcopy(lst_with_mutable)) # deep
lst_with_immutable = [1, 2, 3]
get_copy(lst_with_immutable, lst_with_immutable) # same ref
get_copy(lst_with_immutable, copy(lst_with_immutable)) # unidentifiable
get_copy(lst_with_immutable, deepcopy(lst_with_immutable)) # unidentifiable
Get the copy type recursively (works well for nested containers)
def get_copy_recursive(iter1, iter2):
code = CopyChecker(iter1, iter2).check_copy(recursive=True)
lst_with_mutable = [1, 2, (3, (4, [5]))]
get_copy_recursive(lst_with_mutable, copy(lst_with_mutable)) # shallow
get_copy_recursive(lst_with_mutable, deepcopy(lst_with_mutable)) # deep
- Fix a minor bug in
subpackage - Add a new subpackage that supports HTML tables