Tags: FrankAuwers/ALAppExtensions
Move disabled tests and rulesets to Build folder (microsoft#26131) <!-- Thank you for submitting a Pull Request. If you're new to contributing to AlAppExtensions please read our pull request guideline below * https://github.com/microsoft/ALAppExtensions/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md --> #### Summary <!-- Provide a general summary of your changes --> Move disabled tests and rulesets to Build folder #### Work Item(s) <!-- Add the issue number here after the #. The issue needs to be open and approved. Submitting PRs with no linked issues or unapproved issues is highly discouraged. --> Fixes [AB#507952](https://dynamicssmb2.visualstudio.com/1fcb79e7-ab07-432a-a3c6-6cf5a88ba4a5/_workitems/edit/507952)