This is an unofficial extension of TigerVNC. This script allow using the xstartup file to setup a vnc session. Xvnc-cli script is similar to the old vncserver program in TigerVNC.
To build this script run the make command in the directory.
$ make
To install you can run this command. It will install the script in /usr/local/bin
$ sudo make install
You can specify an alternative prefix when running make
through environment variable. The following
command will install Xvnc-cli in /usr/bin.
$ PREFIX=/usr make install
usage: [:<display>]
[-xstartup <file>]
-kill <X-display>
This script uses the first available X11 display number when not supplied as argument.
Starting a VNC server using Xsession on the first available X11 display number.
$ Xvnc-cli
Starting a VNC server using Xsession on a specific display number.
$ Xvnc-cli :1
Starting a vnc server using the xstartup script located in $HOME/.vnc/xstartup
$ Xvnc-cli -use-xstartup
Starting a VNC server in background
$ Xvnc-cli -bg -use-xstartup
Listing all running VNC server
$ Xvnc-cli -list
TigerVNC server sessions:
:2 27137
:1 12504
The xstartup script works best when starting a window manager such as Xmonad, dwm and others. Some environment variable might need to be set for some programs to work.
For desktop environment such as kde or gnome-shell, it's better to start the VNC server using Xsession without using any xstartup options.