This is the GoodRead MP for CS242@illinois.
Assignment-2.0 implements the following functionalities:
Given a good read book page url (e.g., collect
["book_url", "book_title", "cover_url", "rating_value", "book_id", "rating_count", "review_count", "author_name", "author_url","ISBN", "similar_book_urls"]
of the given book and store into MongoDB.
From the
collected in the previous step, collect["author_name", "author_id", "author_url", "rating_count", "review_count", "rating_value", "image_url", "related_author","author_books"]
of the given author and insert to MongoDB
From the
provided retrieved in step 1, do a BFS to collect books and authors. -
Based one the collected data, there are four additional commands provided in src/ - (i) scrape; (ii) update; (iii) export; (iv) draw
(i) Scrape: Start new scraping with provideda start_url, or continue the progress from last time (stored in dir progress as pkl files).
(ii) Update: Safely update value of existing object in MongoDB, or create new instance and insert into DB.
(iii) Export: Export remote MongoDB to local json file.
(iv) Draw: Draw a book-author network using networkx.
Assignment-2.1 implements the following functionalities:
- Type conversion for scraping. Assignment-2.0 will store
as string, which is not numerically comparable. In this part, they will be stored as numeric upon scraping. - An interpreter for ElasticSearch language. This will be useful for convenient query to the database. It support basic query in the form of
db_name.query_attr : "query_value"
, comparison operators>, <, NOT
, logic connection operatorsAND, OR
, and wildcard operators in query_attr and query_value. - A backend server that will listen to clients'
requests. More specifically, the server handles the following behavior:search_by_id(GET)
Access instances by their_id
Access instances by a elastic search query string.upload(POST)
Insert new instance to remote database based on data in request body. If instance already exists, its value will be updated.update(PUT)
Update attribtue values of existing instances based on data in request body.scrape(POST)
Request the server to scrape for a certain amount of books or authors and insert results into database.delete(DELETE)
Remove instances from remote database specified by_id
- Implement a tree-structured interactive GUI for frontend clients to conveniently send requests to server.
- Deploy the server program on a remote computer. Special thanks to my server provider - Data Mining Group @ UIUC!
Assignment-2.2 implements a single-page-application implemented with React.js ( which can be found in goodread_visualizer
directory) that provides the following functinality:
Request Visualizer- (i) Find one book/author with provided ID;
- (ii) Do elastic search with provided query string.
Request Visualizer- Provide a form to change values of existing objects in database.
Request Visualizer- (i) Provide book/author form to insert one new instance into the database.
- (ii) Provide scrape form to send request to backend server to scrape new data.
Requets Visualizer- Delete one book/author with provided ID.
- Top-K Book Visualizer
- Provide a K-adjustable visualzer (bar chart) for demonstrating the top K rated books implemented with d3.js.
- Top-K Author Visualizer
- Provide a K-adjustable visualzer (bar chart) for demonstrating the top K rated authors implemented with d3.js.
- BeautifulSoup4 == 4.9.3
- pymongo==3.11.3
- requests==2.18.4
- networkx==2.5
- flask==1.1.2
- python-dotenv
- react.js
- d3.js
- mateiral UI
- react-paginate
- react-json-to-table
- Windows
Notice these are only environment where this software got developed and is guranteed to run. They are not meant to be hard requirements.
Also notice one will have to have access to the author's remote MongoDB to actually run with existing DB. Otherwise please configure the MongoDB setting properly to run!
The interpreter supports a overrided version of ElasticSearch.
Here are some examplar valid query string that demonstrates the principles (spaces does not matters except for around the dot between db_name
and query_attr
book.rating_count : "412"
(exact matches must be quoted even if the value is numeric.)author.review_count : NOT "412"
(exact matches must be quoted even if the value is numeric.)book.rating_value : > 4.5
(when comparison operators>,<
are used, query value should not be quoted.)author.rating_count : < 15000
(when comparison operators>,<
are used, query value should not be quoted.)author.rating_value : > 4.5 AND author.rating_value < 4.75
(logic connectors connects two complete query units to the same database)book.review_count : > 1500 OR book.rating_count > 2000
(logic connectors connects two complete query units to the same database)book.*count : "412" OR book.rating* : "4.28"
(wildcard operator inquery_attr
cannot be used together with comparison opertaors>,<,NOT
, but logic connectors are supported. wildcard inquery_value
is forbidden in this case).book.author_name : "David*" OR book.rating_value : "4.5*"
(wildcard operator inquery_value
cannot be used together with comparison opertaors>,<,NOT
, but logic connectors are supported. wildcard inquery_attr
is forbidden in this case)
Please follow the guidance of parameter prompts to run the program.
Server provider: Data Mining Group @ UIUC!
Port: 5000
Connection Requirement: Connection to UIUC VPN
Please email [email protected] to open the host if you want to try the program out!