This repository is used to learn how to work in the FreeCodeCamp-SLC GitHub Environment. Practice here before making contributions to our other repositories.
Rules to remember
Don't work directly on the "master" branch
Clone to your local account (e.g. PC)
Create a branch to work on (e.g. "git checkout addComment)
Keep what you do in a branch small (small changes are easier to merge)
If you make a mistake, no worries ... learning is what this repository is all about. And, we'd rather you experimented here than on the main repositories. Check out the Git Cheat Sheet ( for a quick list of command commands.
Some online resorces to look at:
- Learn Git Basics in 15 mins:
- Understanding the GitHub Flow:
- Udacity (free) How to Use Git and Git Hub:
- Learning Enough Git To Be Dangerous: