Plugin different kind of actions Like, Follow, Star ...
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'action_plugin'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install action_plugin
Generate Migrations:
$ rails g action_plugin:install
create migration 20170208024704_create_actions.rb
rails db:migrate
class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
action_plugin subject_type, action_type, target_type
for example:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
action_plugin :User, :like, :Post
action_plugin :User, :collection, :Topic
action_plugin :Member, :like, :Topic
for example one:
# Users like topic can be defined as follows.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
action_plugin :User, :like, :Topic
If you have the definition above the following methods are generated
# Returns the actions of all the topics that this user likes
# Return to all the topics that this user likes
# Return to all the topic id that this user likes
# Return all user actions that like this topic
# Returns all users who like the topic
# Returns all user id who like the topic
# Users like to create an action record
@user.like_topic @topic
#The user does not like the topic to delete an action record
@user.unlike_topic @topic
#Do users like the theme
@user.like_topic? @topic
for example two:
# Users can follow the definition of other people.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
action_plugin :User, :follow, :User
If you have the definition above the following methods are generated
# Returns current_user following other people relations
# Return current_user following all users
# Return current_user following all user ids
# Return All user relationships that the user is concerned with
# Returns All users that the user is concerned about.
# Returns all user followed user ids
# Users follow to create an relation
current_user.follow_user user
#The user does not unfollow the user to delete an relation
current_user.unfollow_user user
#Do users follow the theme
current_user.follow_user? user