This is a base implementation of governance contract for Harbor Protocol . The contract can be extended to be used by other protocol with relatively same proposal execution behaviour.
The contract uses the binding from package/bindings in the root directory to interact with Fury Native Modules for Queries and Messages.
Instantiation governance contract requires the locking contract address. Thus, it is advised that the user first instantiate a locking contract and then instantiate this contract.
pub struct InstantiateMsg {
pub threshold: Threshold,
pub locking_contract: Addr,
- Specifies the requirements for passing a proposal. This contract only supports ThresholdQuorum as of now. Quorum threshold requires two values: threshold and quorum. The former represents the percent of votes needed to pass the proposal and the latter represents the percent of total voting power that needs to vote for the proposal to pass. For example, if quorum = 50% and threshold = 30% and the total voting power is 2000, then if the voting power of all the votes is less than 1000, the proposal won't pass, even if all voted yes.locking_contract
- Address of the locking contract.
There are a total of 6 execution calls that are available.
- Propose
- Vote
- Execute
- Refund
- Deposit
- Slash
The correct order of execution is as follows:
graph TD;
Propose { propose: Propose },
This is used to raise a new proposal. At any instance, only a single proposal may be active and raising another will result in an error.
pub struct Propose {
pub title: String,
pub description: String,
pub msgs: Vec<FuryMessages>,
pub latest: Option<Expiration>,
pub app_id_param: u64,
- Specifies the title of the proposal.description
- The body of the proposal with any details for the voter.msgs
- The msg for implementing the proposal requirement. For example, whitelisting an asset, etc.latest
- Specifies the proposal voting period before expiration.app_id_param
- application ID for which to raise this proposal.
Vote { proposal_id: u64, vote: Vote },
Used to vote on an active proposal.
- Used to specify the proposal ID that will be
- Vote on the proposal with one of the four possible choices: Yes, No, Abstain, Veto.
Execute { proposal_id: u64 },
This is used when the proposal has successfully passed, i.e. fulfilled the threshold requirements. Cannot be executed if the proposal did not pass or was vetoed.
Refund { proposal_id: u64 },
This is used when the proposal failed to meet the threshold. Furthermore, can only be called if the proposal was not vetoed. All deposited tokens are refunded.
Deposit { proposal_id: u64 },
Deposits the governance token to the proposal. Deposits are only allowed until the minimum deposit threshold is not met. All proposals require a minimum deposit before voting may begin.
Slash { proposal_id: u64 },
When the proposal was voted by majority, then the deposits are burnt rather than refunding.
The following queries are available in this contract.
- Threshold
- Proposal
- ListProposals
- ReverseProposals
- Vote
- ListVotes
- ListAppProposal
- AppAllUpData
- Supply
- TotalVTokens
The final two queries are implemented and documented in the locking contract source code.
Threshold {
proposal_id: u64,
Queries the current threshold settings.
- Unique proposal ID for which to request the threshold value. This is needed because the response contains the total weight of the votes for an indivisual proposal.
ThresholdResponse::ThresholdQuorum {
- Minimum weight of votes needed to pass a proposal, that is, the proportion of quorum.quorum
- Minimum weight of votes that need to participate in voting, irrespective of the choice of votes.total_weight
- Total weight of votes that have voted on the proposal.
Proposal {
proposal_id: u64,
Queries the proposal details.
- Unique ID of the proposal for which to request the details.
ProposalResponseTotal {
pub id: u64,
pub title: String,
pub start_time: Timestamp,
pub description: String,
pub start_height: u64,
pub expires: Expiration,
pub msgs: Vec<FuryMessages>,
pub status: Status,
pub duration: Duration,
/// pass requirements
pub threshold: Threshold,
// the total weight when the proposal started (used to calculate percentages)
pub total_weight: u128,
// summary of existing votes
pub votes: Votes,
pub proposer: String,
pub token_denom: String,
pub current_deposit: u128,
- Unique identifier for the proposal.title
- Title of the proposal.start_time
- Timestamp at which the proposal was raised.description
- Body of the proposal.start_height
- Block height at which proposal was raised.expires
- Expiration time of the proposal. May be less than or equal to the max voting period.msgs
- Fury Message which will be forwarded to the chain to implement the proposal changes.status
- Current status of the proposal. For example, Open, Pending, etc.duration
- Duration for which the proposal will be valid for voting.threshold
- Minimum weight of votes for passing.total_weight
- Current total weight of the votes.votes
- Weight of each vote option, i.e. total vote for each yes, no, abstain and veto.proposer
- Address of the user who raised this proposal.token_denom
- Denomination of the governance token.current_deposit
- Current governance token deposited for this proposal.
ListProposals {
start_after: Option<u64>,
limit: Option<u32>,
Paginated query to list all past and present proposals.
- Starting ID of the proposal.limit
- Number of proposals to return in the response.
NOTE: The default limit is 100 and the maximum limit is 300.
The reponse contains an array of the following details.
ProposalResponse {
pub id: u64,
pub title: String,
pub description: String,
pub msgs: Vec<FuryMessages>,
pub status: Status,
pub expires: Expiration,
pub threshold: ThresholdResponse,
- Unique ID of the proposal.title
- Title of the proposal.description
- Description of the proposal.msgs
- Fury Message which will be forwarded to the chain to implement the proposal changes.status
- Current status of the proposal state.expires
- Expiration time of the proposal. May be less than or equal to the max voting period.threshold
- Refer here for details.
ReverseProposals {
start_before: Option<u64>,
limit: Option<u32>,
Paginated query to list all past and present proposals in reverse order.
- Ending proposal ID, i.e. list all proposals before this proposal.limit
- Number of proposals to return in the response.
NOTE: The default limit is 100 and the maximum limit is 300.
RESPONSE: The response of this query is same as the ListProposals query's response.
Vote {
proposal_id: u64,
voter: String,
Queries the vote details for a specific voter and proposal.
- Unique proposal ID.voter
- Address of the user.
pub struct VoteInfo {
pub proposal_id: u64,
pub voter: String,
pub vote: Vote,
pub weight: u128,
- Unique proposal ID.voter
- Address of the
- Choice of vote, i.e. yes, no, abstain or veto.weight
- Weight of vote.
ListVotes {
proposal_id: u64,
start_after: Option<String>,
limit: Option<u32>,
Queries all the votes for the specified proposal. This query also implements pagination.
- Unique proposal ID.start_after
- Starting proposal ID for pagination.limit
- Number of votes to return in response.
NOTE: The default limit is 100 and the maximum limit is 300.
The response of this query is an array of vote info. Refer to the Vote query's response.
ListAppProposal {
app_id: u64,
start_after: u32,
limit: Option<u32>,
status: Option<Status>,
Queries all proposals raised for a specific application. This query also implements pagination.
- Unique application ID.start_after
- Starting proposal ID for pagination.limit
- Number of proposals to return in response.status
- Constrains the returned response to only contain the proposals matching the specified status. For example, passed, rejected, etc.
AppProposalResponse {
proposals: Vec<ProposalResponseTotal>,
proposal_count: u64,
The response of this query is an array of proposal details. Refer to Proposal query's response. It additionally returns a count of number of proposals in the response.
AppAllUpData {
app_id: u64,
Queries the total governance token weight for the application and the total participation for all the proposals.
- Unique application ID.
AppGovConfig {
pub proposal_count: u64,
pub current_supply: u128,
pub active_participation_supply: u128,
- Count of proposals for the application.current_supply
- Total supply of the governance token.active_participation_supply
- Total weight of the participated votes.