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Creating a proper Open-Source Project with DevOps!

Tutorial on how to create a proper open-source project to support many platforms, powered by Rojo, GitHub actions, Wally, and more!

Table of Contents


I've created this tutorial because of how useful I found it in creating an open-source package that supports nearly every platform!

As someone who loves to use 3rd party tools such as Rojo, one of the problems I've had is with people who want to use my package, but do not use Rojo or do not understand how to compile the code for themselves, so I strived to add support for adding an .rbxm file, so users can drag and drop. However, this complicated things. As someone who is passionate about DevOps, I like to automate my entire developmnt process.

And so, this tutorial exists!

Step 1: Setting up and installing Foreman

If you already have foreman installed, you can skip this step!

Foreman is a toolchain manager for Roblox, similar to rustup. Because of the amount of tools that we may use, it is a good idea to install Foreman to make it easier to manage!

First, make sure you have Rust 1.53.0 or greater installed, as we will be installing Foreman from cargo.

To install, simply run:

cargo install foreman

After this completes, you will need to add the .bin to your PATH variable.

Adding PATH - *nix systems.

On *nix systems, you will need to open your enviromental variable file. On bash, run the following commands:

sudo nano ~/.bashrc

Once nano is opened, you will see a lot of items in nano.

Scroll all the way to the bottom, and add the following line:

export PATH="$HOME/.foreman/bin/wally/:$PATH"

Then, close and safe the file by using CTRL + X , then ensure you hit Y and then ENTER

Finally, restart your terminal or set it's source with:

source ~/.bashrc

Add PATH - Windows

To add Foreman to your PATH variable on Windows, first open your search, and search for Enviormental Variables

After you do this, a panel will open. At the bottom, you will see Enviormental Variables

When the next UI opens, scroll down to System Variables

If you see a Variable called PATH, hit Edit. Otherwise, hit New

A new UI will open if you are editing, with a lot of other file paths. To the right, hit New, and you will have the option to add a variable to your PATH

Finally, hit Browse Directory, and look for where cargo installed foreman. Once found, browse to .foreman/bin, and select that. Hit OK, and you are done!

Make sure you restart all terminal instances that are open.

To test, run foreman --help. A menu should come up! If one did not, repeat the steps above.

Step 2 - Project Structure and Foreman Setup

Now that we have Foreman installed, it is time to setup our project.

For our project structure, we will follow something similar to this:


We need to create our repository!

First, create a new GitHub project, and make sure it's public. Add your preferred license.

Next, clone your git repository and open it with your preferred text editor. I'll be use VSCode, but you can use whatever you want!

We are going to create a few folders in our directory:

  • .github/workflows
  • Include
  • lib
  • testing
  • Packages

You'll also want a file, and a .gitignore file. Make sure to add Packages to your .gitignore file!

Finally, we need to setup our tools, which will be installed via Foreman

Create a new file called foreman.toml.

For this tutorial, will we be using Rojo, Wally, Stylua, and Selene. There are many other tools available, but for the scope of this tutorial, this is it! Inside the file, write:

rojo = { github = "rojo-rbx/rojo", version = "7.0.0" }
wally = { source = "UpliftGames/wally", version = "0.3.1" }
stylua = { source = "JohnnyMorganz/stylua", version = "0.13.1" }
selene = { source = "Kampfkarren/selene", version = "=0.9.2" }

After you've saved the file, you need to install the tools. Run:

foreman install

and wait for the tools to install. You can confirm they installed by running foreman list. Make sure all the tools listed above work by testing Rojo:

rojo --version

Just as listed above, you should see the following output:

Rojo 7.0.0

Congrats! You've now installed the tools we will use for this tutorial!

Step 3 - Setting up our Rojo project

To being setting up our rojo project, run rojo init.

This will add a src directory, a default.project.json file, and update your .gitignore file with some more information.

Begin by deleting the src directory, as we will be using the lib directory instead.

Next, we will update our default.project.json file, but before, I urge you to read and understand how rojo project's work. They have great documentation, I suggest reading this before continuing:

Our default.project.json is rarely going to be used, so replace the contents with the following:

  "name": "[PROJECT_NAME_HERE]",
  "tree": {
    "$path": "lib"

However, we need to add multiple other files here, as well.

Create a testing.project.json and pack.project.json.

The testing file structure is how you can test your code in studio. I've found one issue I used to have with creating packages is the ability to test the code, so by doing this, we can easily test our own code.

The pack file will be used later on to pack our source code into a .rbxm file, so it can be dragged and dropped by a non-rojo/wally user.


    "name": "[PROJECT_NAME] testing",
    "tree": {
      "$className": "DataModel",
      "ReplicatedStorage": {
        "$className": "ReplicatedStorage",
        "[PROJECT_NAME]": {
            "$path": "Include/Linking.lua",
            "Packages": {
                "$path": "Packages",
                "[PROJECT_NAME]": {
                    "$path": "lib"
      "ServerScriptService": {
          "$className": "ServerScriptService",
          "Server": {
            "$path": "testing"


  "name": "[PROJECT_NAME]",
  "tree": {
    "$path": "Include/Linking.lua",
    "Packages": {
      "$path": "Packages",
      "[PROJECT_NAME]": {
          "$path": "lib"

Great! That's all done! :D

Finally, let's set up the rest of our files. For my example, we are making a very simple module that prints out a name when given.

To begin, let's create our linking script. This is really important to ensure our project is packed correctly, especially if you add a dependency from Wally, as we need this dependency to get packed in our .rbxm file.

The structure looks like this:


return require(script.Packages["[PACKAGE_NAME]"])

In my example, I have the following:

return require(script.Packages["hello_world"])

Next, let's create our basic module! If you have your own module, this is the place to put it. Please ensure the main entry point into your module is named init.lua! This is extremely important!


local module = {}

function module.welcome(string) 

return ("Hello, " .. string .. "!") 


return module

Great! We now have a module setup, but we have no way of ensuring it works. Let's create a test script under the testing folder. In my case, I named it script.server.lua.


local hello_world = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.hello_world)


By doing this, we will test to make sure our module works as intended!

Congratulations, you've set up your Rojo project! In the next section, I'll explain how to work with Rojo in the development process.

Step 4 - Developing with Rojo

For most people, developing without actively testing is not going to work well. To combat this, we will use Rojo's syncing feature, so you can develop in your text editor, while still seeing the update in your studio instance.

If you are on Windows, you can install the Rojo 7 plugin via:

rojo plugin install

Otherwise, install the plugin via the Roblox marketplace. Please ensure you are using Rojo 7! Otherwise, it will not work.

Once installed into your studio, find it in your plugins bar and click on it.

To begin a live syncing session (in which your changes you make in your editor go right to studio) run the following command:

rojo serve testing.project.json

This will then start up a server on the Rojo designated port! By running this, you can easily test your changes in real-time in studio! Once you hit Connect in the plugin inside of studio, you can then run the game, and if your code works, everything is all good now!

If you prefer to pack your code and dependencies into a .rbxm file, you can do this using the rojo build command.

First, add the following entry into your .gitignore file:


This will ensure you do not commit your built .rbxm direcly to your project! (We will handle this in the CI/CD pipeline.)

To build the file, run:

rojo build -o pack.rbxm pack.project.json

You can then drop that .rbxm into studio! Please note that does not add testing files, but the module and it's dependencies. The only way to test is by serving to studio!

Step 5 - Setting up Wally (Optional)

If we want to publish our package to Wally (which you should do!), we need to initalize Wally in our project. Run:

wally init

in your terminal to create a wally.toml file.

Next, open the newly created file. The basic structure of Wally is as follows:

name = "fxllencode/devops-rblx-tutorial"
version = "0.1.0"
registry = ""
realm = "shared"


For more information and keys, check out the Wally documentation:

For this tutorial, set the name key to your GitHub name + your package name. This is how people will install your package. Then, edit the SemVer code to whatever version your package is on. Package format uses the SemVer standard, so numbers are Major.Minor.Patch.

Do not edit the registry or realm as that is out of the scope of this tutorial.

Once we have set this up, we need to setup our auth tokens for deployment to the registry. Begin with:

wally login

and follow the propmts given. Once this is complete, we need to get the token from the internal file.

Navigate to your Wally installation (usually %userprofile%\.wally\auth.toml on Windows or ~/.wally/auth.toml on Linux) and open it using a text editor.

You should see the following:

# This is where Wally stores details for authenticating with registries.
# It can be updated using `wally login` and `wally logout`.

"" = "[REDACTED]"

If you properly logged in, you should see a token inside the quotes. Copy that token, and open your GitHub repository on the website.

Go to your repository settings -> secrets -> actions -> new repository secret.

Create a new secret with the name WALLY_AUTH_TOKEN and a value of what you copied, and hit "Add secret". That's it! Do not login or logout of Wally after you have done that. We will handle publishing in our CI/CD workflow.

Step 6 - Setting up StyLua and Selene

When creating a codebase, code styling is very important. We want to ensure that your code is readable and does not contain flaws regardless of who contributes to the code or not. This is where Selene and StyLua come into play! Selene is a rust-based linter for Luau, that can help detect codebase issues. StyLua will format your Lua code to ensure the style is the same around the board.

First, let's setup StyLua. To ensure it was installed via Foreman, run:

stylua --version

in the terminal.

You should see:

stylua 0.13.1

Next, let's format our module! Keep in mind that we will not be formatting our testing foldler as it is meant for testing, and people will not be downloading it, so it's style does not matter.

To style your module, run:

stylua lib

Your code is now formatted according to the StyLua standards! Great! Next, let's lint our code and check it for errors. To start, we need to ensure we have selene installed. Run the following commmand:

selene --version

Your output should be:

selene 0.9.2

Next, we need to generate the Roblox-std library.

selene generate-roblox-std

This should create a new file, roblox.toml. Finally, create a new file called selene.toml, and add the following contents:

std = "roblox"

Finally, let's lint our library:

selene lib

If there is no output, we are good! However, if you see an output, you should follow it's suggestion to improve your code.

We now have fully setup linting and style guides!

Step 7 - Creating our DevOps workflow!

Now that we have the basis for our module, we should start automating things!

We will have one workflow, our CI workflow. This workflow has 2 parts, one runs on commit to main branch, and one runs on the dev branch. (You should never commit to main until the code is production ready as this will deploy it to Wally and create a release!)

To start, enter your .github/workflows folder and create a new file called CI.yaml. This workflow will be the heart of our DevOps workflow!

An example workflow is below: CI.yaml

name: Releases

on: push


    if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout Main
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Setup Foreman
        uses: Roblox/setup-foreman@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

      - name: Install Foreman Toolchains
        run: foreman install

      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: wally install

      - name: Create Packages Directory
        run: mkdir -p Packages

      - name: Run Stylua
        run: stylua lib --check

      - name: Run Selene
        run : selene lib

      - name: Build pack.rbxm
        run: rojo build -o pack.rbxm pack.project.json

      - name: Upload pack.rbxm as build artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: hello_world
          path: pack.rbxm

      - name: Get Release from wally.toml
        uses: SebRollen/[email protected]
        id: read_toml
          file: 'wally.toml'
          field: 'package.version'

      - name: Publish to Wally
          WALLY_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.WALLY_AUTH_TOKEN }}
        run: |
          mkdir =p ~/.wally
          printf "[tokens]\n\"\" = \"%s\"" "$WALLY_TOKEN" >> ~/.wally/auth.toml
          wally publish

      - name: Release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
          name: ${{ steps.read_toml.outputs.value }}
          tag_name: ${{ steps.read_toml.outputs.value }}
          files: pack.rbxm
          generate_release_notes: true
          draft: true

    if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/dev' }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout development
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Setup Foreman
        uses: Roblox/setup-foreman@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

      - name: Install Foreman Toolchains
        run: foreman install

      - name: Run Stylua
        run: stylua lib --check

      - name: Run Selene
        run : selene lib

      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: wally install

      - name: Create Packages Directory
        run: mkdir -p Packages

      - name: Build test-pack.rbxm
        run: rojo build -o test-pack.rbxm pack.project.json

      - name: Build testing place
        run: rojo build -o testing.rbxl testing.project.json

      - name: Upload test-pack.rbxm as build artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: hello_world
          path: test-pack.rbxm

      - name: Upload testing.rbxl as build artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: hello_world
          path: testing.rbxl

Whew! That is a lot! In essence, our code follows this pattern:

Checkout code -> Setup Foreman -> Install Tools -> Install Wally Dependencies -> Styling and Lints -> Pack -> Publish to Wally -> Create Release

For in-development progress, it does not publish, instead creates lints, styling, and example places, so developers can simply download the build artifacts!

Once this workflow in the main branch passes, head to the Releases area in GitHub, and you will see a draft release, in which most information is already filled out for you, but you can edit the changelog if you wish. When ready, hit release, and now people can download it either from wally or from the release directly!


Congratulations! You've just setup a fully-working DevOps workflow for your open-source package! I hope you found this useful!

Here are some tips:

  • Make sure you develop on the dev branch, and pull request your updates into main when it is production ready.
  • Before you push into main, don't forget to bump your package's version in wally.toml
  • Feel free to add even more tools, like testez, etc.

You can view the example project here:

Thanks! If you have any questions, please let me know. :D


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