The G-EDM multi axis CNC machine enables everyone to cut any kind of metals at home with the help of electrical discharging.
Provided by:
Lautensack Roland
G-RBLevo Public
Sinker and Wire EDM motion control firmware 3 axis + spindle. Electrical Discharge Machining. WEDM
Gantry based 3 axis CNC router with heavy duty 3d printed parts and schematics for the boards
SpaiEye3D Public
Local and Remote facerecognition surveilance PYQT App using YOLOv3.
G-EDM-v1-deprecated Public
The G-EDM is a 4in1 electrical discharge machine that supports sinker EDM, EDM engraving, EDM drilling and Wire EDM operations. In the future it will also support laser and small milling jobs. It c…