Port of Org-roam to neovim using nvim-orgmode.
Requires neovim 0.9.2+.
This plugin depends on nvim-orgmode/orgmode 0.3.4 or newer.
It is recommended to install and maintain the latest version of orgmode, or lock into the commit that this plugin needs, which is illustrated below.
Org Roam Version | Orgmode Version |
0.1.0 | 0.3.4 |
Code Example
tag = "0.1.0",
dependencies = {
tag = "0.3.4",
config = function()
directory = "~/org_roam_files",
-- optional
org_files = {
Code Example
use {
tag = "0.1.0",
requires = {
tag = "0.3.4",
config = function()
directory = "~/orgfiles",
Name | Keybinding | Description |
add_alias | <Leader>naa | Adds an alias to the node under cursor. |
add_origin | <Leader>noa | Adds an origin to the node under cursor. |
capture | <Leader>nc | Opens org-roam capture window. |
complete_at_point | <Leader>n. | Completes the node under cursor. |
find_node | <Leader>nf | Finds node and moves to it, creating it if it does not exist. |
goto_next_node | <Leader>nn | Goes to the next node in sequence (via origin) for the node under cursor. |
goto_prev_node | <Leader>np | Goes to the prev node in sequence (via origin) for the node under cursor. |
insert_node | <Leader>ni | Inserts node at cursor position, creating it if it does not exist. |
insert_node_immediate | <Leader>nm | Same as insert_node , but skips opening capture buffer. |
quickfix_backlinks | <Leader>nq | Opens the quickfix menu for backlinks to the current node under cursor. |
remove_alias | <Leader>nar | Removes an alias from the node under cursor. |
remove_origin | <Leader>nor | Removes the origin from the node under cursor. |
toggle_roam_buffer | <Leader>nl | Toggles the org-roam node-view buffer for the node under cursor. |
toggle_roam_buffer_fixed | <Leader>nb | Toggles a fixed org-roam node-view buffer for a selected node. |
Name | Keybinding | Description |
capture_date | <Leader>ndD | Capture a specific date’s note. |
capture_today | <Leader>ndN | Capture today’s note. |
capture_tomorrow | <Leader>ndT | Capture tomorrow’s note. |
capture_yesterday | <Leader>ndY | Capture yesterday’s note. |
find_directory | <Leader>nd. | Navigate to dailies note directory. |
goto_date | <Leader>ndd | Navigate to specific date’s note. |
goto_next_date | <Leader>ndf | Navigate to the next note in date sequence. |
goto_prev_date | <Leader>ndb | Navigate to the previous note in date sequence. |
goto_today | <Leader>ndn | Navigate to today’s note. |
goto_tomorrow | <Leader>ndt | Navigate to tomorrow’s note. |
goto_yesterday | <Leader>ndy | Navigate to yesterday’s note. |
See DOCS.org for detailed guidance on the plugin.
The documentation is also generated in vimdoc help format, which can be
accessed via :h org-roam.txt
A collection of features to implement in no particular order.
- [-] Implement org-roam buffer
- [X] Implement org-roam-buffer-toggle (tracks current node at point)
- [X] Implement org-roam-buffer-display-dedicated (tracks specific node)
- [X] Implement Backlinks widget for buffer
- View (preview of) nodes that link to this node
- [ ] Implement Reference Links widget for buffer
- Nodes that reference this node (see Refs)
- [ ] Implement Unlinked references widget for buffer
- View nodes that contain text that match the nodes title/alias but are not linked
- [X] Implement Origin widget for buffer (custom, not in Org Roam!)
- Displays the origin of the node as defined in
- Displays the origin of the node as defined in
- [ ] Support citations
- [ ] As of orgmode 9.5, org-cite is built-in and has the form [cite:@key]
- [ ] Alongside org-cite, there is also support for org-ref (v2 & v3), which uses cite:key as its format
- [X] Support completion
- [X] Support templating
- [X] Implement org-roam-node-insert
- [X] Implement org-roam-node-find
- [X] Implement org-roam-capture
- [X] Implement org-roam-node-insert-immediate
- [X] Support origin (custom, not in Org Roam!)
- [X]
available within node properties, containing org id - [X] Ability to query database for nodes with origin matching an id
- [X] Keybinding to jump forward and backward across origins
- [X]
- [X] Miscellaneous Roam functions
- [X] Implement org-roam-alias-add
- [X] Implement org-roam-alias-remove
- [X] Implement org-roam-origin-add (custom, not in Org Roam!)
- [X] Implement org-roam-origin-remove (custom, not in Org Roam!)
- [-] Implement extensions
- [X] org-roam-dailies
- [ ] org-roam-export
- [ ] org-roam-graph
- [ ] org-roam-protocol
A makefile is provided to support running tests. It will download plenary.nvim and nvim-orgmode into the vendor directory.
make test