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Google Data Transfers

Ross Scroggs edited this page Feb 23, 2025 · 2 revisions

Google Data Transfers

API documentation


<DataTransferService> ::=
        datastudio|lookerstudio|"google data studio"|
        drive|gdrive|googledrive|"drive and docs"
<DataTransferServiceList> ::= "<DataTransferService>(,<DataTransferService>)*"

<UniqueID> ::= id:<String>
<UserItem> ::= <EmailAddress>|<UniqueID>|<String>
<OldOwnerID> ::= <UserItem>
<NewOwnerID> ::= <UserItem>
<TransferID> ::= <String>

Display transfer apps

gam print|show transferapps

Create transfers

gam create|add datatransfer|transfer <OldOwnerID> <DataTransferServiceList> <NewOwnerID>
        [private|shared|all] [privacy_level private|shared|private,shared]
        [releaseresources [<Boolean>]]
        (<ParameterKey> <ParameterValue>)*
        [wait <Integer> <Integer>]

Fordatastudio and drive, there are options to control the privacy level of the files to be transferred.

  • private or privacy_level private - Transfer files that are not shared with anyone
  • shared or privacy_level shared - Transfer files shared with at least one other user; this is the default
  • all or privacy_level private,shared - Transfer all files

For calendars, there is an option to indicate whether to release resources for future events.

  • releaseresources false - Do not release resources for future events; this is the default.
  • releaseresources or releaseresources true - Release resources for future events

A <TransferID> is returned which can be used to monitor the progress of the transfer.

NOTE: For calendars, the behaviour is not sufficiently defined in the API documentation. As of 2020-06-10, background transfers only transfer future non-private events with at least one guest/resource.

The option <ParameterKey> <ParameterValue> is for future expansion.

By default, GAM does not wait for the transfer to complete. The option wait <Integer> <Integer> causes GAM to wait for the transfer to complete. The first <Integer> must be in the range 5-60 and is the number of seconds between checks to see if the transfer has completed. The second <Integer> is the maximum number of checks to perform.

Display transfers

gam info datatransfer|transfer <TransferID>
gam show datatransfers|transfers
        [olduser|oldowner <UserItem>] [newuser|newowner <UserItem>]
        [status completed|failed|inprogress|<String>] [delimiter <Character>]
gam print datatransfers|transfers [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [olduser|oldowner <UserItem>] [newuser|newowner <UserItem>]
        [status completed|failed|inprogress|<String>] [delimiter <Character>]
        (addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)*

By default, all data transfer operations are printed, use these options to select specific transfers.

  • olduser|oldowner <UserItem>
  • newuser|newowner <UserItem>
  • status completed|failed|inprogress

By default, the entries in lists of items are separated by the csv_output_field_delimiter from gam.cfg.

  • delimiter <Character> - Separate list items with <Character>

Add additional columns of data from the command line to the output

  • addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>

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