This script helped me to automate my Mac setup and I thought it might be useful for every Mac user out there. We also created a YouTube video to show you how the setup wrok. Feel free to subscribe to our YouTube Channel 🙏
Jus download the code as Zip. (Or clone it)
Open the terminal, write sh
and then drag the
file into the terminal and press enter!
First of all the script will create a new RSA key and opens GitHub for you.
The script will install some Xcode stuff (command line tools) for you.
There are some apps that I have / want to install from the App Store. (e. g. Final Cut, Xcode)
The script will install and update Homebrew for you
Installing Git for you and configure your name / mail.
Install Oh My ZSH and download powerlevel10k and the following plugins for you: zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting
The script will download the following apps for you:
If you don't know the apps. Here are the names: Alfred, Bettertouchtool, Bitwarden, Google Chrome, Iterm2, Sourcetree, Spotify
Change some Mac settings that I prefer...
Feel free to make any pull requests to improve the script. We would appreciate it.