We are a group of poineer programmers under Gaza Sky Geeks Programming Acadamy.
- Motasem Mansour
- Rola.H
- Mahmoud Al-Dabba
- Hadeel
We work under Great Mentor: Lina Jamal
a customers asks for a front end code for a design of an app to review and download movies with custamization properties as (Director, Cast .. etc) The code is required to work on iphone x (375px width) devices and to be responsive to desktop. It also required to reflect the theme in all elements.
- We open the Design together as a Team in Figma, and brainestormed methods to code the elements.
- We conducted a planning meeting, that we agreed in it how to divide work segments, and agreed also on the general concept of coding and styling rules.
- Team Agreed on the repo structure and created one.
- Initial Pages were coded and reviewed: Team faced some obstacles but solved it by cooperation:
- Linking to Google Library for Fonts.
- Linking to Awesome Library of Icons.
- Formatting the checkbox.
- Modifying wrong push to structure.
- Solving some CSS problems for Download Page.
- Unifying units among the team.
- The team conducted a retrospective meeting and merged accepted and reviewed pages.
- The team then refined CSS Design again to be responsive to desktop.
@Team-1 All rights reserved.