This repository contains a pure python implementation of CRYSTALS-Dilithium following (at the time of writing) the most recent specification (v3.1)
This project has followed kyber-py
which is a pure-python implementation of CRYSTALS-Kyber and reuses a lot of
I have written dilithium-py
as a way to learn about the way protocol works,
and to try and create a clean, well commented implementation which people can
learn from.
This code is not constant time, or written to be performant. Rather, it was
written so that reading though the pseudocode of the
closely matches the code which we use within
and supporting files.
This implementation passes all the KAT vectors, generated from the reference implementation version 3.1.
These tests, as well as other internal unit tests are the file
This implementation is based off the most recent specification (v3.1). There were breaking changes to the KAT files submitted to NIST when Dilithium was updated to 3.1, so the NIST KAT files will not match our code.
To deal with this, we generated our own KAT files from the reference implementation for version 3.1. These are the files inside assets.
Originally, as with kyber-py
, this project was planned to have zero
dependencies, however like kyber-py
, to pass the KATs, I need a
deterministic CSRNG. The reference implementation uses
AES256 CTR DRBG. I have implemented this in
However, I have not implemented AES itself, instead I import this from pycryptodome
To install dependencies, run pip -r install requirements
If you're happy to use system randomness (os.urandom
) then you don't need
this dependency.
There are three functions exposed on the Dilithium
class which are intended
for use:
: generate a bit-packed keypair(pk, sk)
Dilithium.sign(sk, msg)
: generate a bit-packed signaturesig
from the messagemsg
and bit-packed secret keysk
.Dilithium.verify(pk, msg, sig)
: verify that the bit-packedsig
is valid for a given messagemsg
and bit-packed public keypk
To use Dilithium()
, it must be initialised with a dictionary of the
protocol parameters. An example can be seen in DEFAULT_PARAMETERS
the file
Additionally, the class has been initialised with these default parameters, so you can simply import the NIST level you want to play with:
>>> from dilithium import Dilithium2
>>> # Example of signing
>>> pk, sk = Dilithium2.keygen()
>>> msg = b"Your message signed by Dilithium"
>>> sig = Dilithium2.sign(sk, msg)
>>> assert Dilithium2.verify(pk, msg, sig)
>>> # Verification will fail with the wrong msg or pk
>>> assert not Dilithium2.verify(pk, b"", sig)
>>> pk_new, sk_new = Dilithium2.keygen()
>>> assert not Dilithium2.verify(pk_new, msg, sig)
The above example would also work with the other NIST levels
and Dilithium5
順番に実行してください。(Please do them in order.) Welcome to SITE of KUMO
Some very rough benchmarks to give an idea about performance:
500 Iterations | Dilithium2 |
Dilithium3 |
Dilithium5 |
KeyGen() Median Time |
0.014s | 0.022s | 0.033s |
Sign() Median Time |
0.073s | 0.113s | 0.143s |
Sign() Average Time |
0.092s | 0.143s | 0.175s |
Verify() Median Time |
0.017s | 0.025s | 0.039s |
All times recorded using a Intel Core i7-9750H CPU.
- First plan: Add documentation to the code
- Add examples for each of the functions
- Add documentation on how each of the components works
- Add documentation for working with DRBG and setting the seed
The file
contains the classes
. This implements the univariate polynomial ring
The implementation is inspired by SageMath
and you can create the
>>> R = PolynomialRing(11, 8)
>>> x = R.gen()
>>> f = 3*x**3 + 4*x**7
>>> g = R.random_element(); g
5 + x^2 + 5*x^3 + 4*x^4 + x^5 + 3*x^6 + 8*x^7
>>> f*g
8 + 9*x + 10*x^3 + 7*x^4 + 2*x^5 + 5*x^6 + 10*x^7
>>> f + f
6*x^3 + 8*x^7
>>> g - g
The file
contains the classes Module
and Matrix
A module is a generalisation of a vector space, where the field
of scalars is replaced with a ring. In the case of Dilithium, we
need the module with the ring
allows elements of the module to be of size
As an example of the operations we can perform with out Module
lets revisit the ring from the previous example:
>>> R = PolynomialRing(11, 8)
>>> x = R.gen()
>>> M = Module(R)
>>> # We create a matrix by feeding the coefficients to M
>>> A = M([[x + 3*x**2, 4 + 3*x**7], [3*x**3 + 9*x**7, x**4]])
>>> A
[ x + 3*x^2, 4 + 3*x^7]
[3*x^3 + 9*x^7, x^4]
>>> # We can add and subtract matricies of the same size
>>> A + A
[ 2*x + 6*x^2, 8 + 6*x^7]
[6*x^3 + 7*x^7, 2*x^4]
>>> A - A
[0, 0]
[0, 0]
>>> # A vector can be constructed by a list of coefficents
>>> v = M([3*x**5, x])
>>> v
[3*x^5, x]
>>> # We can compute the transpose
>>> v.transpose()
[ x]
>>> v + v
[6*x^5, 2*x]
>>> # We can also compute the transpose in place
>>> v.transpose_self()
[ x]
>>> v + v
[ 2*x]
>>> # Matrix multiplication follows python standards and is denoted by @
>>> A @ v
[8 + 4*x + 3*x^6 + 9*x^7]
[ 2 + 6*x^4 + x^5]
TODO: More details about the NTT.
We can transform polynomials to NTT form and from NTT form
with poly.to_ntt()
and poly.from_ntt()
When we perform operations between polynomials, (+, -, *)
either both or neither must be in NTT form.
>>> f = R.random_element()
>>> f == f.to_ntt().from_ntt()
>>> g = R.random_element()
>>> h = f*g
>>> h == (f.to_ntt() * g.to_ntt()).from_ntt()
While writing this README, performing multiplication of of polynomials in NTT form is about 100x faster when working with the ring used by Dilithium.
>>> # Lets work in the ring we use for Dilithium
>>> R = Dilithium2.R
>>> # Generate some random elements
>>> f = R.random_element()
>>> g = R.random_element()
>>> # Takes about 10 seconds to perform 1000 multiplications
>>> timeit.timeit("f*g", globals=globals(), number=1000)
>>> # Now lets convert to NTT and try again
>>> f.to_ntt()
>>> g.to_ntt()
>>> # Now it only takes ~0.1s to perform 1000 multiplications!
>>> timeit.timeit("f*g", globals=globals(), number=1000)
These functions extend to modules
>>> M = Dilithium2.M
>>> R = Dilithium2.R
>>> v = M([R.random_element(), R.random_element()])
>>> u = M([R.random_element(), R.random_element()]).transpose()
>>> A = u @ v
>>> A == (u.to_ntt() @ v.to_ntt()).from_ntt()
As operations on the module are just operations between elements, we expect a similar 100x speed up when working in NTT form:
>>> u = M([R.random_element(), R.random_element()]).transpose()
>>> v = M([R.random_element(), R.random_element()])
>>> timeit.timeit("u@v", globals=globals(), number=1000)
>>> u = u.to_ntt()
>>> v = v.to_ntt()
>>> timeit.timeit("u@v", globals=globals(), number=1000)