awesome-offline-rl Public
Forked from hanjuku-kaso/awesome-offline-rlAn index of algorithms for offline reinforcement learning (offline-rl)
UpdatedAug 11, 2022 -
cleanrl Public
Forked from vwxyzjn/cleanrlHigh-quality single file implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with research-friendly features (PPO, DQN, C51, Ape-X DQN, DDPG, TD3, SAC)
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 9, 2022 -
Practical_RL Public
Forked from yandexdataschool/Practical_RLA course in reinforcement learning in the wild
Jupyter Notebook The Unlicense UpdatedMar 3, 2022 -
StageLight Public
SUMO Pytorch Deep Reinforcement Learning Traffic Signal Control
An optimal planning for traffic measurement is a balance between deploying as few counters as possible while not significantly decreasing the coverage/accuracy of travel movements information.
Deep-QLearning-Agent-for-Traffic-Signal-Control Public
Forked from AndreaVidali/Deep-QLearning-Agent-for-Traffic-Signal-ControlA framework where a deep Q-Learning Reinforcement Learning agent tries to choose the correct traffic light phase at an intersection to maximize traffic efficiency.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2021 -
An-Introduction-to-Statistical-Learning Public
Forked from hardikkamboj/An-Introduction-to-Statistical-LearningThis repository contains the exercises and its solution contained in the book "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" in python.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 1, 2021 -
RL_signals Public
Forked from traffic-signal-control/RL_signalsAll you need to know about Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control. https://traffic-signal-control.github.io/
UpdatedFeb 3, 2020