CMD Directory contains application specific code for executing the application. The Web Application lives in cmd/web directory.
internal directory contains ancillary non-application-specific code used in project. Reusable code like validation helpers, SQL database models
ui directory contains user-interface assets by the web app, ui/html will contain HTML templates ui/static contains static files (css / images)
RUN the application
go run ./cmd/web
go run ./cmd/web -addr=":80"
mysql -u root -p
Generally they are here
For Linux/Unix: /var/lib/mysql For macOS: /usr/local/mysql/data For Windows: C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\Data
** But if you can't find it there ** For example I installed mysql using homebrew, go into mysql and run:
CREATE USER 'web'@'localhost';
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON snippetbox.* TO 'web'@'localhost';
ALTER USER 'web'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass';