Project Manager, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Business Analyst, Frontend Developer, Marketer
defining scope and milestones; work planning (Backlog Refinement, WBS, Gantt Chart); release and sprint planning; issue decomposition; deadlines and critical path assessment; workflow transparency; progress inspection; assistance in estimation in story points and natural hours; holding meetings and demo; process adaptation.
translating business needs into requirements documentation (BRD, SRS, UseCases); identification of stakeholders and activities (RACI-matrix); adjusting User Stories, Definition of Done/Ready, Acceptance Criteria; defining the goal and key results (OKR), planning metrics (KPI/KBI/KRI); drawing process diagrams (BPMN); warframe preparation and design approval (UI/UX, Photoshop, Figma).
...full Markdown version is on the Wiki page → CV.Markdown
... HTML version is on GitHyb page →
- Everything you need to do with CV in the GitHub issues
- Launch VSCode IDE
- Pull up the latest changes
git pull
- Create new branch
git checkout -b <branch_name>
(more in Wiki Git WorkFlow) - Run WebPack build
npm run build
(webpack.config.js) - Run WebPack server
npm run start
- Do the code
- Add new code to stage
git add .
- Commit new code
git commit -m "Comment"
- Push new code to the repository
git push origin <branch_name>
- Create a GitHub Pull Request
gh pr create
indicating the issue, if exist (more in Wiki GitHub CLI) - Wait for Super-linter to check (.github\workflows\linter.yml)
with detailed comments
- WebPack webpack.config.js
- Super-linter .github\workflows\linter.yml
- Markdown .github\linters.markdown-lint.yml
- CSS/SCSS .github\linters.stylelintrc.json