Bonded Token implementation as a Substrate runtime module.
This repository has an accompanying tutorial.
Clone this repository locally.
$ git clone <repo>
$ cd sr-bonded-token
$ ./
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/sr-bonded-token purge-chain --dev (may be required)
$ ./target/release/sr-bonded-token --dev
# In a new terminal window
$ cd bonded-token-ui
$ yarn && yarn dev
Navigate to localhost:8000
in a web browser. Scroll to the bottom to see a UI element for interacting with the module. To interact you will need to restore the sudo
key, ie Alice.
In the top Wallet box insert the following:
Seed - 0x416c696365202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020
Name - Alice