Compile the XWiki LTI Component ./src/lti_certification/ (Maven project)
Download XWiki XWiki WAR
Include the XWiki LTI component (JAR) ./src/lti_certification/target/authentication-lti-X.Y.Z.jar to XWiki WAR in
/WEB-INF/lib/ path
Include all JAR dependencies from ./lib in the same path (/WEB-INF/lib/) - JavaUtils-1.1.2.jar - lti-1.0.2.jar - oauth-20100527.jar - oauth-provider-20100527.jar
Enable LTI authentication management: editing ./WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg
#-# LTI authentication management
Create a directory called /home/campus/configHome/lti
Edit a new file called authorizedConsumersKey.cfg inside the path /home/campus/configHome/lti
#This is a configuration to be readed by providers to authorize the consumer key and gets the secret
Deploy XWiki WAR