A simple Smart Contract generator for a Standard, Capped, Mintable, Burnable, Payable ERC20 Token.
Token has a Role Based Access Control so you can add the MINTER
permission to users or Smart Contracts.
Token has a trasferEnabled
property. Nobody can transfer tokens until the property will be enabled or you can define users as OPERATOR
allowed to transfer also if not enabled.
Token has the ERC1363 behaviors. ERC1363 is an ERC20 compatible token that can make a callback on the receiver contract to notify token transfers or token approvals.
Token extends from ERC20Base.
DApp source here https://github.com/vittominacori/erc20-generator/tree/dapp.
npm install
Open the Truffle console
npm run console
npm run compile
npm run test
Open the Buidler console
npm run buidler:console
npm run buidler:compile
npm run buidler:test
npm run coverage
Use Solhint
npm run lint:sol
Use ESLint
npm run lint:js
Use ESLint and fix
npm run lint:fix
This allow to flatten the code into a single file
Edit scripts/flat.sh
to add your contracts
npm run flat
Note: it is better to analyze the flattened code to have a bigger overview on the entire codebase. So run the flattener first.
The describe
command shows a summary of the contracts and methods in the files provided
surya describe dist/BaseToken.dist.sol
The dependencies
command outputs the c3-linearization of a given contract's inheirtance graph. Contracts will be listed starting with most-derived, ie. if the same function is defined in more than one contract, the solidity compiler will use the definition in whichever contract is listed first.
surya dependencies BaseToken dist/BaseToken.dist.sol
Edit scripts/analyze.sh
to add your contracts
npm run analyze
The inheritance
command outputs a DOT-formatted graph of the inheritance tree.
The graph
command outputs a DOT-formatted graph of the control flow.
The mdreport
command creates a markdown description report with tables comprising information about the system's files, contracts and their functions.
The sol2uml
generates UML class diagram from Solidity contracts.
Use the dist smart contracts dist/BaseToken.dist.sol
Solc version is 0.6.12
Code released under the MIT License.