Java MVC Frameworks - Spring - february 2018 SoftUni course project. Pizza Nation is online pizza ordering app, providing the users functionality to order products via shopping cart.
Pizza Nation is web app where users can order products via shopping cart. They can register, purchase products while on site and complete the order when they want, leave feedbacks, see their previous orders, see local stores and more.
App is consistent of two roles: user and moderator. Moderators has rights to support the app needs like add/edit/delete menus, products, ingredients. There is also admin role, which is a "God" object. Only admin can modify users data, change their roles, add/delete stores and see the logs. Also admin email is used to interact with the users/he receives the feedbacks, from his email is send the confirm one and "new promotional products" one./
The app is going to be extended a lot more, adding a functionality to the clients to track their orders in real time, via providing Android app which the supposed couriers will have up and running on their phones.