esoteric Public
A bunch of single file scripts that at some point had value to me.
vue-g is vue bodged such that it works for me. happy hacking.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 3, 2020 -
barnyard2 Public
Forked from firnsy/barnyard2Barnyard2 is a dedicated spooler for Snort's unified2 binary output format.
meier.js Public
My personal playground library with algorithms, mathematics and visualisation.
paintings Public
Hand & face annotated Renaissance era paintings
freetype_ios_android Public
Convenient scripts to configure the freetype toolchain for iOS and Android support.
Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation, with added JPG reading and PNG writing
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedAug 13, 2017 -
cordova-plugin-fcm Public
Forked from fechanique/cordova-plugin-fcmHacked version of Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin with custom icon and connect on demand rather than startup.
react-native Public
Forked from facebook/react-nativeA framework for building native apps with React.
Java Other UpdatedSep 25, 2016 -
Babylon.js Public
Forked from BabylonJS/Babylon.jsBabylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL
JavaScript UpdatedSep 20, 2016 -
faster_rcnn Public
Forked from ShaoqingRen/faster_rcnnFaster R-CNN
MATLAB Other UpdatedAug 22, 2016 -
cordova-plugin-nativeaudio Public
Forked from floatinghotpot/cordova-plugin-nativeaudioThe low latency audio plugin is designed to enable low latency and polyphonic audio from Cordova/PhoneGap applications, using a very simple and basic API.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedAug 12, 2016 -
gym Public
Forked from openai/gymA toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 28, 2016 -
atc_textures Public
Command line tool to convert PNG into ATC textures.
Vulkan-Docs Public
Forked from KhronosGroup/Vulkan-DocsThe Vulkan API Specification and related tools
C UpdatedFeb 16, 2016 -
CNTK Public
Forked from microsoft/CNTKComputational Network Toolkit (CNTK)
C++ Other UpdatedJan 25, 2016 -
fastlane Public
Forked from fastlane/fastlaneConnect all iOS deployment tools into one streamlined workflow
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 18, 2015 -
UnityDecompiled Public
Forked from MattRix/UnityDecompiledAn unofficial repo of decompiled Unity dll files
C# UpdatedSep 1, 2015 -
proximity Public
Forked from revned/proximityBluetooth device proximity detection.
Objective-C UpdatedJun 26, 2015 -
neurokernel Public
Forked from neurokernel/neurokernelNeurokernel Project
Python Other UpdatedJun 23, 2015 -
pl-toolbox Public
Forked from TAPeri/pl-toolboxPreference Learning Toolbox (PLT)
Java UpdatedJun 4, 2015 -
vogl Public
Forked from ValveSoftware/voglOpenGL capture / playback debugger.
C MIT License UpdatedMar 12, 2014 -
PathFinding.js Public
Forked from qiao/PathFinding.jsA comprehensive path-finding library for grid based games
JavaScript UpdatedSep 18, 2013 -
pixi.js Public
Forked from pixijs/pixijsSuper fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 10, 2013