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SRMD: Sparse Random Mode Decomposition

SRMD Flowchart


A Python implimentation of Sparse Random Mode Decomposition

The goal of this algorithm is to provide a sparse time-frequency representation of a signal to decompose the signal into intrinsic mode-like functions.


Easiest method:

pip install git+

The code can also be accessed by cloning this repository

git clone <>

or downloading the source by clicking Code -> Download ZIP, and then installed via

python install

The Algorithm

The algorithm can be broken into three main steps:

  1. Randomly generate many time-frequency features
  2. Find a sparse representation of the input with respect to the random features
  3. Cluster near-by features into modes

The features used are (Gaussian) windowed sinusoids with random phases, although any wavelet-like feature could be used. The sparse representation is found by solving the associated Basic Pursuit Denoising Problem (BPDP) using the SPGL1 algorithm. And the clustering is performed by scikit-learn's implimentation of the DBSCAN algorithm.

Given a time series y=[y1, ..., ym] sampled at time points t=[t1, ..., tm], SRMD recovers the modes s1, ..., sK and possibly denoise the input signal where

y(t) = s1(t) + s2(t) + ... + sK(t) + noise.

This method is most effective when the modes sk(t) occupy connected curves or regions that are mutualy disjoint in time-frequency space such as non-intersecting intrinsic mode functions.

Specificly, SRMD(y, ...) first solves the problem of representing a time-series y as a sum of random features

y(t) ~ sum_j(c_j * exp(-0.5 * ((t-tau_j)/w)^2) * sin(2*pi*frq_j*t + phs_j)),

where the learned weights vector c is sparse, by solving BPDN

argmin ||c||_1 s.t. ||Ac - y||_2 < r*||y||_2.

Here, (A)_ij = exp(-0.5 * ((t_i-tau_j)/w)^2) * sin(2*pi*frq_j*t_i + phs_j).

The features are clustered with DBSCAN which groups features with near-by (tau_j, frq_j*frq_scale) in terms of their l2 distance to each other.

File Overview


SRMD(y, t):
    Decomposes a time series y(t) = sum_k s_k(t) into modes s_k(t) that are well
    connected in time-frequency space, and mutualy disjoint from each other.

  • Hosts the helper functions for generating the features used by SRMD
generate_features(N, t):
    Generates N random features on the time points t.

features_from_parameters(t, tau, frq, phs):
    Generates features from the given parameters

window(t, w):
    Creates a Gaussian window function of width w on the time points t.

  • Contains useful plotting functions for visualizating decomposition results.
signal(t, y):
    Plots a time series y sampled at time points t.
all_modes(t, modes):
    Plots each mode_i = modes[:, i] sampeled at t.
modes_with_cluster(t, modes, tau, frq, labels):
    Plots each mode_i and the time-frequency pairs (tau_n, frq_n) coloured
    according to labels.
weights(tau, frq, weights):
    Creates a spectrogram-like plot where time-frequency pairs (tau_n, frq_n)
    are coloured accoring to weights_n.

  • Store helpful constants and default values used by SRMD and helper functions.
twopi = 2 * pi
default_w = 0.1
default_r = 0.05
default_min_samples = 4



  • Decomposes a composite signal with two pure sinusoids at 5 Hz and 20 Hz into its two modes.


  • Decomposes a composite signal similar to minimal.ipynb. Results are also plotted and the center frequencies are estimated.


  • Visualizes the time-frequency chirp from a black hole merger


  • Decomposes a flute and guitar clip into each instrument


  • Showcases the visualization tools in srmdpy on a challanging signal. This is similar to the example shown in Section 3.1 of the SRMD paper.


  • Showcases all the hyperparameters avalible on an intersecting signal. This is similar to the example shown in Section 3.2 of the SRMD paper.



  • Creates the synthetic data from the SRMD paper


  • flute.wav, guitar.wav, both.wav


  • numerical_gravitational_data.txt, observed_gravitational_data.txt


Created by Nicholas Richardson March 2022 based on the decomposition algorithm developed by Nicholas Richardson, Hayden Schaeffer, and Giang Tran.


Feel free to reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or just to say hi. Any suggestions and contributions are also welcome!


If you found this package useful in any way, please cite the associated paper:

  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2204.06108},
  url = {\url{}},
  author = {Richardson, Nicholas and Schaeffer, Hayden and Tran, Giang},
  title = {{SRMD}: Sparse Random Mode Decomposition},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2022},
  copyright = { perpetual, non-exclusive license},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.06108}


Sparse Random Mode Decomposition






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