Pomodoro timer for linux commandline with graphical timer, sound, voice and notification built-in
Copy the instructions under pomodoro.sh
inside the .bashrc
of your linux home directory /home/<username>/.bashrc
To be able to use the pomodoro timer you need to install:
- timer (from caarlos0/timer)
- lolcat
sudo dnf install lolcat
To change the default work-time and break-time, modify the followed line of the script
pomo_options["work"]="<your default work time>"
pomo_options["break"]="<your default break time>"
Start pomodoro and set loops: doro <number of rounds>
(If you type doro without specifying a number, it will perform the default number of loops that are set in the script.).
Change work time: cp work <time in minutes>
Change break time: cp break <time in minutes>