The project aims to simulate the operation of a library.
By putting together 8 different microservices composed of these features:
-AppBooks to perform CRUD operations on the db,it is also used as a kafka producer (it also sends an email when a new book is entered[use this one which is free])
-AppUsers always to perform CRUD operations to their db
-AppLenders always to perform CRUD operations to its own db
-DbBooks Db with all the books inside.
-DbUsers Db with all users inside.
-DbLoans Db with all loans inside.
-Kafka messaging broker with the purpose of alerting the user when certain operations are performed
-AppConsumer is for the purpose of receiving notifications from the AppLibrary and printing them on the terminal
The project as a whole provides:
-CI/CD for publishing images directly to Docker-hub whenever a push is made to the repository and checking the code manually with pylint.
-Logging with the purpose of monitoring all actions by the container.The logs are saved inside the containers in a separate file.
-Testing through python's request library that tests each individual CRUD .
-Container use of dokcer and docker-compose to create all the individual containers.I also tried creating with kompose the configuration files but I have problems with vm :(