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Twitter Extraction and Analysis

Twitter Extraction and Analysis Tools based on Tweepy

Made for UniMe internship and thesis (code: T.E.A.)

Important: before running any tool, get your Twitter API keys and write them in the authorization file (for example: auth_creds.ini).

Works with Linux (any distro), Windows (7/8.1/10), macOS (from OS X Yosemite to higher)

System Requirements

  • Python 3 (works only on Python 3, no backports for now)
  • Tweepy module: pip3 install tweepy
  • Texblob module: pip3 install textblob
  • NLTK corpora: use: python3 -m textblob.download_corpora
  • Geocoder module: pip3 install geocoder
  • Matplotlib module: pip3 install matplotlib
  • Python3 Tkinter: sudo apt install python3-tk
  • Pandas module: pip3 install pandas
  • Python3 Levenshtein: pip3 install python-Levenshtein
  • Fuzzywuzzy module: pip3 install fuzzywuzzy
  • Numpy module: pip3 install numpy

Note: if packages installations go wrong (Permission Denied error), please consider installing them with the --user parameter of pip3 commands.


Tweets extraction and "sentiment" analysis

  • Script name:
  • Purpose: download all the recent tweets (from Twitter main page) that contains a specific hashtag, then find all the other hashtags related and classifies them for "sentiment" (polarity for Textblob/NLTK).
  • Output: three files with the most used hashtag used in "positive", "negative" and "neutral" tweets, divided per sentiment; a file containing all the downloaded tweets with user, datetime and full text.
  • Arguments:
    • -a: user auth. file (containing Twitter Dev. keys)
    • -o: output filename (full downloaded tweets CSV file)
    • -n: number of tweets to download
    • -t: query hashtag (between "" or '')

Hashtag/Sentiment plotter

  • Script name:
  • Purpose: plot three graphs regarding the most used "positive/negative/neutral" hashtags, using specified plot parameters, related to query hashtag.
  • Output: three PNG images saved into the same script dir.
  • Arguments:
    • -i: base input file (full downloaded tweets CSV filename)
    • -n: number of tweets to parse.
    • -t: query hashtag
    • -l: limit the hashtag frequency in Y bar (for plotting)
    • -g: open graph in window (y/n)

Country plotter

  • Script name:
  • Purpose: plot a graph regarding the countries from witch users send tweets related to query hashtag.
  • Output: a PNG image saved into the same script dir; a "db" file used for caching geo locations.
  • Arguments:
    • -i: base input file (full downloaded tweets CSV filename)
    • -n: number of tweets to parse.
    • -h: query hashtag
    • -l: limit the hashtag frequency in the pie-chart (for plotting)
    • -g: open graph in window (y/n)

Important: the script is based on caching geolocations using a Koomot online database; it store already-processed country names in a "db" file used as simply database. Basically the script improves its performance every time it's launched: the more is running, the more country names are stored into geo-cache file.

Timeline extraction

  • Script name:
  • Purpose: get the timeline of a specified username (no more than 3400 tweets can be dowloaded) and the "sentiment" (polarity) for each saved tweet.
  • Output: a CSV file containing the full timeline and sentiment data per tweet.
  • Arguments:
    • -a: user auth. file (containing Twitter Dev keys)
    • -u: username to analyze
    • -o: output filename

Filter timeline by keywords

  • Script name:
  • Purpose: filter tweets in a CSV timeline, using specified "query" keywords
  • Output: a new CSV file containing only the tweets with query kewywords, sentiment data included.
  • Arguments:
    • -i: input CSV timeline
    • -k: keywords (between "" or '', each word separed by comma, like: word1,word2,...)

Timeline "sentiment" analysis

  • Script name:
  • Purpose: build a dataset with tweet dates, average sentiment and error per each date; save it to a CSV file.
  • Output: a CSV file with dates, avg sentiment and error
  • Arguments:
    • -i: input filtered timeline (already processed by
    • -o: output filename

Note: error = (sentiment_max_day - sentiment_min_day) / 2

Timeline Plotter

  • Script name:
  • Purpose: plot a scatter graph regarding polarities and errors, in a specified timeframe
  • Output: a PNG image saved in the same script dir.
  • Arguments:
    • -i: input analyzed&filtered CSV file (already processed by
    • -u: username of analyzed account
    • -k: query keywords
    • -g: open graph in window (y/n)
    • -s: starting date (for limits view to specific timeframe)
    • -e: ending date (for limits view to specific timeframe)

Followers extraction

  • Script name:
  • Purpose: get the follower of a specified account
  • Output: a CSV file written with followers usernames
  • Arguments:
    • -a: user auth. file (containing Twitter Dev. keys)
    • -u: account username to analyze
    • -o: output filename

Note: Each session can download only 3200 usernames every 15 minutes; rate limits can't be surpassed.


Twitter Extraction and Analysis tools based on Tweepy







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