🌝 MLKit是一个强大易用的工具包。通过ML Kit您可以很轻松的实现文字识别、条码识别、图像标记、人脸检测、对象检测等功能。
视频播放器(IJKplayer、ExoPlayer、MediaPlayer),HTTPS,16k page size,支持弹幕,外挂字幕,支持滤镜、水印、gif截图,片头广告、中间广告,多个同时播放,支持基本的拖动,声音、亮度调节,支持边播边缓存,支持视频自带rotation的旋转(90,270之类),重力旋转与手动旋转的同步支持,支持列表播放 ,列表全屏动画,视频加载速度,列表小窗口支持拖…
A DownloadProgressButton with Animation for Android
Community extensions to the cross platform GUI in Go based on Material Design
A complete, ready to use, Neumorphic ui kit for Flutter, 🕶️ dark mode compatible
Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / FreeBSD / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch / JavaScript / WebAssembly
An efficient video loader for deep learning with smart shuffling that's super easy to digest
🚀 WeChat login, share,miniProgram favorite and payment for React-Native on iOS and Android platforms(QQ: 331703094)
Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design
FFmpeg for browser, powered by WebAssembly
FFmpeg Kit for applications. Supports Android, Flutter, iOS, Linux, macOS, React Native and tvOS. Supersedes MobileFFmpeg, flutter_ffmpeg and react-native-ffmpeg.
Flutter implementation of sticky headers for sliver
Flutter plugin for creating views using the concentric transition effect.
Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row children.
Flutter | Create advanced modal bottom sheets. Material, Cupertino or your own style
Animated Curved Navigation Bar in Flutter
A flutter carousel widget, support infinite scroll, and custom child widget.
FL Chart is a highly customizable Flutter chart library that supports Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Chart, and Radar Chart.
How time flies.一款开源习惯打卡APP,流畅的动画体验,Bloc实现状态管理,主题(颜色)切换,字体切换,数据库管理等。