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Lovebank Cloud Functions

Cloud functions for Lovebank App

Getting Started

1) Make sure Node.js and npm are installed. If you haven't already installed, you can do so here

To check if you have installed Node.js, run:

node -v

To check if you have installed npm, run:

npm -v

2) Use npm to install the Firebase CLI

npm install -g firebase-tools

3) Login to Firebase using the CLI

firebase login

4) Select the project you wish to work on

To view the list of projects (and their IDs) associated with your current account, run

firebase projects:list

To switch to a project, run the following command - replace {project_id} with the ID of your project:

firebase use {project_id}

5) Install dependencies

Within the "/functions" directory, run:

npm install

Adding Functions

Functions are currently declared in the TypeScript file located at "functions/src/index.ts"

Running Cloud Functions Locally

Within the "/functions" directory, run:

npm run serve

This will start the functions emulator and deploy them locally. For HTTPS functions, follow the URIs provided to trigger them.

Deploying Cloud Functions

To be written...

Using Cloud Functions

Create Invite Codes (PUT)

Send a PUT request to the URI for the invite function. The request body should be a JSON object with the following parameters:

Name Required Type Description
id required string id of the user sending the invite
mobile required string mobile number for invitee
Example Request
    "id": "AAA4JAwXrwGeoTlZVuz",
    "mobile": "+12345678901",
    "action": "invite"

If the request is successful, a document will be added or updated in the invites collection. The response will be a JSON representation of this invite document.

Example Response
    "creation_time": {
        "_seconds": 1595478889,
        "_nanoseconds": 320000000
    "expiration_time": {
        "_seconds": 1596083689,
        "_nanoseconds": 0
    "requester_id": "AAA4JAwXrwGeoTlZVuz",
    "invite_code": "731b7db1",
    "mobile": "+12345678901"

Note: The creation_time and expiration_time fields are created using Firestore timestamps. For more information on Firestore timestamps please refer to this documentation.

Accepting Invites (PUT)

Send a PUT request to the URI for the accept function. The request body should be a JSON object with the following parameters:

Name Required Type Description
id required string id of the user accepting the invite
code required string invite code
Example Request
    "code": "731b7db1",
    "id": "BBB86GaIFXBxRxyUZc3"

If the request is successful, the partnerId field for both users will be updated accordingly. The response will be a JSON object of the updated user document.

Example Response
    "balance": 0,
    "displayName": "Bob",
    "partnerId": "AAA4JAwXrwGeoTlZVuz",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "mobile": "+12345678901"


Services framework for the LoveBank App






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